Publications in Physical Review Letters
- Q. Niu, F. Nori
Renormalization group study of one-dimensional quasiperiodic systems
Phys. Rev. Lett. 57, 2057 (1986). [PDF][Link] - F. Nori, M. Ronchetti, V. Elser
Strain accumulation in quasicrystalline solids
Phys. Rev. Lett. 61, 2774 (1988). [PDF][Link] - O. Pla, F. Nori
Self-organized critical behavior in pinned flux lattices
Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 919 (1991). [PDF][Link] - R.A. Richardson, S.D. Peacor, F. Nori, C. Uher
Thermal conductivity of YBa_2Cu_3O_7-delta in a magnetic field: Can k(H) probe the vortex state?
Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 3856 (1991). [PDF][Link] - F. Nori, E. Gagliano, S. Bacci
Raman and neutron scattering in the t-J and J-J' models. Does frustration describe doping in models for high-temperature superconductors?
Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 240 (1992). [PDF][Link] - M. Bretz, J. Cunningham, P. Kurczynski, F. Nori
Imaging of avalanches in granular materials
Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 2431 (1992). [PDF][Link] - B. Plourde, F. Nori, M. Bretz
Water droplet avalanches
Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 2749 (1993). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - R.A. Richardson, O. Pla, F. Nori
Confirmation of the modified bean model from simulations of superconducting vortices
Phys. Rev. Lett. 72, 1268 (1994). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - S.B. Field, N. Venturi, F. Nori
Marginal Stability and Chaos in Coupled Faults Modeled by Nonlinear Circuits
Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 74 (1995). [PDF][Link] - S.B. Field, J. Witt, F. Nori, X.S. Ling
Superconducting vortex avalanches
Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 1206 (1995). [PDF][Link] - F. Nori, B. Plourde, M. Bretz
Droplet avalanches
Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 3498 (1995). [PDF][Link] - F. Nori, R. Merlin, S. Haas, A. Sandvik, E. Dagotto
Magnetic Raman scattering in two-dimensional spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnets: Spectral shape anomaly and magnetostrictive effects
Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 553 (1995). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - J. Groth, C. Reichhardt, C.J. Olson, S.B. Field, F. Nori
Vortex plastic motion in twinned superconductors
Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 3625 (1996). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - Y.L. Lin, F. Nori
Strongly localized electrons in a magnetic field: Exact results on quantum interference and magnetoconductance
Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 4580 (1996). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - X. Hu, F. Nori
Squeezed phonon states: Modulating quantum fluctuations of atomic displacements
Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 2294 (1996). [PDF][Link][arXiv]
Short summary in the AIP Physics News. [Link][Link] - X. Hu, F. Nori
Phonon squeezed states generated by second-order Raman scattering
Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 4605 (1997). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - C. Reichhardt, C.J. Olson, F. Nori
Dynamic phases of vortices in superconductors with periodic pinning
Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 2648 (1997). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - C.J. Olson, C. Reichhardt, F. Nori
Fractal networks, braiding channels, and voltage noise in intermittently flowing rivers of quantized magnetic flux
Phys. Rev. Lett 80, 2197 (1998). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - C.J. Olson, C. Reichhardt, F. Nori
Nonequilibrium dynamic phase diagram for vortex lattices
Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 3757 (1998). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - C. Reichhardt, F. Nori
Phase Locking, Devil's Staircases, Farey Trees, and Arnold Tongues in Driven Vortex Lattices with Periodic Pinning
Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 414 (1999). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - A. Mehta, C. Reichhardt, C.J. Olson, F. Nori
Topological invariants in microscopic transport on rough landscapes: Morphology and Horton analysis of river-like networks of vortices
Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 3641 (1999). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - J.W. Wambaugh, C. Reichhardt, C.J. Olson, F. Marchesoni, F. Nori
Superconductor fluxon pump and lenses
Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 5106 (1999). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - G. D'Anna, F. Nori
Critical dynamics of burst instabilities in the Portevin-Le Chatelier effect
Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 4096 (2001). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - C. Reichhardt, C.J. Olson, N. Grombech-Jensen, F. Nori
Moving Wigner glasses and smectics: Dynamics of disordered Wigner crystals
Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 4354 (2001). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - C.J. Olson, C. Reichhardt, B. Janko, F. Nori
Collective interaction-driven ratchet for transporting flux quanta
Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 177002 (2001). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - J.Q. You, J.S. Tsai, F. Nori
Scalable quantum computing with Josephson junction qubits
Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 197902 (2002). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - S. Savel'ev, F. Marchesoni, F. Nori
Controlling transport in mixtures of interacting particles using Brownian motors
Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 10601 (2003). [PDF][Link] - B.Y. Zhu, F. Marchesoni, F. Nori
Controlling the motion of magnetic flux quanta
Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 180602 (2004). [PDF][Link] - S. Savel'ev, F. Marchesoni, F. Nori
Manipulating small particles in mixtures far from equilibrium
Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 160602 (2004). [PDF][Link] - V.R. Misko, S. Savel'ev, F. Nori
Critical currents in quasiperiodic pinning arrays: One-dimensional chains and Penrose lattices
Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 177007 (2005). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - A. Maeda, Y. Inoue, H. Kitano, S. Savel'ev, S. Okayasu, I. Tsukada, F. Nori
Nanoscale friction: Kinetic friction of magnetic flux quanta and charge density waves
Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 077001 (2005). [PDF][Link] - S. Savel'ev, A.L. Rakhmanov, F. Nori
Using Josephson vortex lattices to control terahertz radiation: Tunable transparency and terahertz photonic crystals
Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 157004 (2005). [PDF][Link] - Y. Togawa, K. Harada, T. Akashi, H. Kasai, T. Matsuda, F. Nori, A. Maeda, A. Tonomura
Direct observation of rectified motion of vortices in a niobium superconductor
Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 087002 (2005). [PDF][Link] - S. Savel'ev, V.A. Yampol'skii, F. Nori
Surface Josephson plasma waves in layered superconductors
Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 187002 (2005). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - Y.X. Liu, J.Q. You, L.F. Wei, C.P. Sun, F. Nori
Optical selection rules and phase-dependent adiabatic state control in a superconducting quantum circuit
Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 087001 (2005). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - L.F. Wei, Y.X. Liu, C.P. Sun, F. Nori
Probing tiny motions of nanomechanical resonators: classical or quantum mechanical?
Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 237201 (2006). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - H.T. Quan, Y.D. Wang, Y.X. Liu, C.P. Sun, F. Nori
Maxwell's demon assisted thermodynamic cycle in superconducting quantum circuits
Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 180402 (2006). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - T. Tanamoto, Y.X. Liu, S. Fujita, X. Hu, F. Nori
Producing cluster states in charge qubits and flux qubits
Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 230501 (2006). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - Y.X. Liu, L.F. Wei, J.S. Tsai, F. Nori
Controllable coupling between flux qubits
Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 067003 (2006). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - L.F. Wei, Y.X. Liu, F. Nori
Generation and control of Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger entanglement in superconducting circuits
Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 246803 (2006). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - A.M. Zagoskin, S. Ashhab, J.R. Johansson, F. Nori
Quantum two-level systems in Josephson junctions as naturally formed qubits
Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 077001 (2006). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - C. Cattuto, R. Brito, U. Marini Bettolo Marconi, F. Nori, R. Soto
Fluctuation-induced Casimir forces in granular fluids
Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 178001 (2006). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - V.R. Misko, S. Savel'ev, A.L. Rakhmanov, F. Nori
Nonuniform self-organized dynamical states in superconductors with periodic pinning
Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 127004 (2006). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - S. Savel'ev, A.L. Rakhmanov, F. Nori
Quantum terahertz electrodynamics and macroscopic quantum tunneling in layered superconductors
Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 077002 (2007). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Erratum] - A.M. Zagoskin, S. Savel'ev, F. Nori
Modeling an adiabatic quantum computer via an exact map to a gas of particles
Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 120503 (2007). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - A.V. Kats, S. Savel'ev, V.A. Yampol'skii, F. Nori
Left-handed interfaces for electromagnetic surface waves
Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 073901 (2007). [PDF][Link]
Editors' Suggestion - K.Y. Bliokh, Y.P. Bliokh, S. Savel'ev, F. Nori
Semiclassical dynamics of electron wave packet states with phase vortices
Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 190404 (2007). [PDF][Link][arXiv]
Featured in RIKEN Research News, Quantum corkscrews from twisting electron waves. (local PDF). - S. Ooi, S. Savel'ev, M.B. Gaifullin, T. Mochiku, K. Hirata, F. Nori
Nonlinear nanodevices using magnetic flux quanta
Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 207003 (2007). [PDF][Link] - J.Q. You, Y.X. Liu, F. Nori
Simultaneous cooling of an artificial atom and its neighboring quantum system
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 047001 (2008). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - V.A. Yampol'skii, S. Savel'ev, Z.A. Mayselis, S.S. Apostolov, F. Nori
Anomalous temperature dependence of the Casimir force for thin metal films
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 096803 (2008). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Erratum] - L.F. Wei, J.R. Johansson, L.X. Cen, S. Ashhab, F. Nori
Controllable coherent population transfers in superconducting qubits for quantum computing
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 113601 (2008). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - L. Zhou, Z.R. Gong, Y.X. Liu, C.P. Sun, F. Nori
Controllable scattering of photons inside a one-dimensional resonator waveguide
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 100501 (2008). [PDF][Link][arXiv] Y.P. Bliokh, S. Savel'ev, F. Nori
Electron beam instability in left-handed media
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 244803 (2008). [PDF][Link][arXiv]- A.M. Zagoskin, E. Il'ichev, M.W. McCutcheon, J. Young, F. Nori
Controlled Generation of Squeezed States of Microwave Radiation in a Superconducting Resonant Circuit
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 253602 (2008). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - D.R. Gulevich, F.V. Kusmartsev, S. Savel'ev, V.A. Yampol'skii, F. Nori
Shape waves in 2D Josephson junctions: exact solutions and time dilation
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 127002 (2008). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - J.R. Johansson, G. Johansson, C.M. Wilson, F. Nori
Dynamical Casimir effect in a superconducting coplanar waveguide
Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 147003 (2009). [PDF][Link][arXiv]
Featured in Physics, Editors' Suggestion - T. Tanamoto, Y.X. Liu, X. Hu, F. Nori
Efficient quantum circuits for one-way quantum computing
Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 100501 (2009). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - A.O. Sboychakov, S. Savel'ev, A.L. Rakhmanov, F. Nori
Asymmetric long Josephson junction acting as a ratchet for a quantum field
Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 190602 (2010). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - P.K. Ghosh, F. Marchesoni, S.E. Savel'ev, F. Nori
Geometric stochastic resonance
Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 020601 (2010). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - V.A. Golick, D.V. Kadygrob, V.A. Yampol'skii, A.L. Rakhmanov, B.A. Ivanov, F. Nori
Surface Josephson plasma waves in layered superconductors above the plasma frequency: Evidence for a negative index of refraction
Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 187003 (2010). [PDF][Link][arXiv]
Enhanced figure available in "RIKEN Research" [Link]
Featured in Physics, Editors' Suggestion - N. Lambert, C. Emary, Y.N. Chen, F. Nori
Distinguishing quantum and classical transport through nanostructures
Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 176801 (2010). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - T. Satoh, S.J. Cho, R. Iida, T. Shimura, K. Kuroda, H. Ueda, Y. Ueda, B.A. Ivanov, F. Nori, M. Fiebig
Spin oscillations in antiferromagnetic NiO triggered by circularly polarized light
Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 077402 (2010). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - K.Y. Bliokh, M.R. Dennis, F. Nori
Relativistic electron vortex beams: Angular momentum and spin-orbit interaction
Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 174802 (2011). [PDF][Link][arXiv]
Featured in RIKEN Research, Emerging from the vortex, (local PDF). -
W.M. Zhang, P.Y. Lo, H.N. Xiong, M.W.Y. Tu, F. Nori
General Non-Markovian Dynamics of Open Quantum Systems
Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 170402 (2012). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.] - A.L. Rakhmanov, A.V. Rozhkov, A.O. Sboychakov, F. Nori
Instabilities of the AA-stacked graphene bilayer
Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 206801 (2012). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - K.Y. Bliokh, F. Nori
Relativistic Hall effect
Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 120403 (2012). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - Y.O. Averkov, V.M. Yakovenko, V.A. Yampol'skii, F. Nori
Conversion of terahertz wave polarization at the boundary of a layered superconductor due to the resonance excitation of oblique surface waves
Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 027005 (2012). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - G. Guzzinati, P. Schattschneider, K.Y. Bliokh, F. Nori, J. Verbeeck
Observation of the Larmor and Gouy rotations with electron vortex beams
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 093601 (2013). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - P.K. Ghosh, V.R. Misko, F. Marchesoni, F. Nori
Self-Propelled Janus Particles in a Ratchet: Numerical Simulations
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 268301 (2013). [PDF][Link][arXiv]
Editors' Suggestion - R. Li, J.Q. You, C.P. Sun, F. Nori
Controlling a Nanowire Spin-Orbit Qubit via Electric-Dipole Spin Resonance
Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 086805 (2013). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - J. Dressel, K.Y. Bliokh, F. Nori
Classical Field Approach to Quantum Weak Measurements
Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 110407 (2014). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - K.Y. Bliokh, Y.S. Kivshar, F. Nori
Magnetoelectric Effects in Local Light-Matter Interactions
Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 033601 (2014). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - H. Jing, S.K. Ozdemir, X.Y. Lu, J. Zhang, L. Yang, F. Nori
PT-Symmetric Phonon Laser
Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 053604 (2014). [PDF][Link][arXiv]
The supplementary material is here [PDF][Link] - X.Y. Lu, Y. Wu, J.R. Johansson, H. Jing, J. Zhang, F. Nori
Squeezed Optomechanics with Phase-matched Amplification and Dissipation
Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 093602 (2015). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - G.W. Deng, D. Wei, J.R. Johansson, M.L. Zhang, S.X. Li, H.O. Li, G. Cao, M. Xiao, T. Tu, G.C. Guo, H.W. Jiang, F. Nori, G.P. Guo
Charge Number Dependence of the Dephasing Rates of a Graphene Double Quantum Dot in a Circuit QED Architecture
Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 126804 (2015). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.] - N. Lambert, F. Nori, C. Flindt
Bistable Photon Emission from a Solid-State Single-Atom Laser
Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 216803 (2015). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.] - W.M. Zhang, P.Y. Lo, H.N. Xiong, M.W.Y. Tu, F. Nori
Reply on General Non-Markovian Dynamics of Open Quantum Systems
Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 168902 (2015). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - S.L. Chen, N. Lambert, C.M. Li, A. Miranowicz, Y.N. Chen, F. Nori
Quantifying Non-Markovianity with Temporal Steering
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 020503 (2016). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.] -
M. Cirio, S. De Liberato, N. Lambert, F. Nori
Ground State Electroluminescence
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 113601 (2016). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.] -
P.B. Li, Z.L. Xiang, P. Rabl, F. Nori
Hybrid Quantum Device with Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in Diamond Coupled to Carbon Nanotubes
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 015502 (2016). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]
Editors' Suggestion -
L. Garziano, V. Macri, R. Stassi, O. Di Stefano, F. Nori, S. Savasta
One Photon Can Simultaneously Excite Two or More Atoms
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 043601 (2016). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]
Featured in Physics, Editors' Suggestion -
Z.P. Liu, J. Zhang, S.K. Ozdemir, B. Peng, H. Jing, X.Y. Lu, C.W. Li, L. Yang, F. Nori, Y.X. Liu
Metrology with PT-Symmetric Cavities: Enhanced Sensitivity near the PT-Phase Transition
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 110802 (2016). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.] -
D. Leykam, K.Y. Bliokh, C. Huang, Y.D. Chong, F. Nori
Edge Modes, Degeneracies, and Topological Numbers in Non-Hermitian Systems
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 040401 (2017). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.] -
M. Cirio, K. Debnath, N. Lambert, F. Nori
Amplified Optomechanical Transduction of Virtual Radiation Pressure
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 053601 (2017). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.] -
K.Y. Bliokh, A.Y. Bekshaev, F. Nori
Optical Momentum, Spin, and Angular Momentum in Dispersive Media
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 073901 (2017). [PDF][Link][arXiv] -
A.V. Rozhkov, A.L. Rakhmanov, A.O. Sboychakov, K.I. Kugel, F. Nori
Spin-Valley Half-Metal as a Prospective Material for Spin Valleytronics
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 107601 (2017). [PDF][Link][arXiv] -
K. Ono, G. Giavaras, T. Tanamoto, T. Ohguro, X. Hu, F. Nori
Hole spin resonance and spin-orbit coupling in a silicon metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 156802 (2017). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.] -
C. Gneiting, F. Nori
Disorder-induced dephasing in backscattering-free quantum transport
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 176802 (2017). [PDF][Link][arXiv] H.B. Chen, C. Gneiting, P.Y. Lo, Y.N. Chen, F. Nori
Simulating Open Quantum Systems with Hamiltonian Ensembles and the Nonclassicality of the Dynamics
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 030403 (2018). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]P.Y. Wen, A.F. Kockum, H. Ian, J.C. Chen, F. Nori, I.C. Hoi
Reflective Amplification without Population Inversion from a Strongly Driven Superconducting Qubit
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 063603 (2018). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]W. Qin, A. Miranowicz, P.B. Li, X.Y. Lu, J.Q. You, F. Nori
Exponentially Enhanced Light-Matter Interaction, Cooperativities, and Steady-State Entanglement Using Parametric Amplification
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 093601 (2018). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]A.F. Kockum, G. Johansson, F. Nori
Decoherence-Free Interaction between Giant Atoms in Waveguide Quantum Electrodynamics
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 140404 (2018). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]F. Alpeggiani, K.Y. Bliokh, F. Nori, L. Kuipers
Electromagnetic Helicity in Complex Media
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 243605 (2018). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]Y.R. Zhang, Y. Zeng, H. Fan, J.Q. You, F. Nori
Characterization of Topological States via Dual Multipartite Entanglement
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 250501 (2018). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]A.O. Sboychakov, A.V. Rozhkov, A.L. Rakhmanov, F. Nori
Externally Controlled Magnetism and Band Gap in Twisted Bilayer Graphene
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 266402 (2018). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]C.S. Munoz, A. Lara, J. Puebla, F. Nori
Hybrid Systems for the Generation of Nonclassical Mechanical States via Quadratic Interactions
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 123604 (2018). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]R. Huang, A. Miranowicz, J.Q. Liao, F. Nori, H. Jing
Nonreciprocal Photon Blockade
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 153601 (2018). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]K. Xia, F. Nori, M. Xiao
Cavity-Free Optical Isolators and Circulators Using a Chiral Cross-Kerr Nonlinearity
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 203602 (2018). [PDF][Link][Suppl. Info.]O. Di Stefano, A. Settineri, V. Macri, A. Ridolfo, R. Stassi, A.F. Kockum, S. Savasta, F. Nori
Interaction of Mechanical Oscillators Mediated by the Exchange of Virtual Photon Pairs
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 030402 (2019). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]C. Gneiting, D. Leykam, F. Nori
Disorder-Robust Entanglement Transport
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 066601 (2019). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]T. Liu, Y.R. Zhang, Q. Ai, Z. Gong, K. Kawabata, M. Ueda, F. Nori
Second-Order Topological Phases in Non-Hermitian Systems
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 076801 (2019). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]M. Cirio, N. Shammah, N. Lambert, S.D. Liberato, F. Nori
Multielectron Ground State Electroluminescence
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 190403 (2019). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]K. Ono, S.N. Shevchenko, T. Mori, S. Moriyama, F. Nori
Quantum Interferometry with a g-Factor-Tunable Spin Qubit
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 207703 (2019). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]K.Y. Bliokh, F. Nori
Klein-Gordon Representation of Acoustic Waves and Topological Origin of Surface Acoustic Modes
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 054301 (2019). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]
I.D. Toftul, K.Y. Bliokh, M.I. Petrov, F. Nori
Acoustic Radiation Force and Torque on Small Particles as Measures of the Canonical Momentum and Spin Densities
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 183901 (2019). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]Y. Guo, C.C. Shu, D. Dong, F. Nori
Vanishing and Revival of Resonance Raman Scattering
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 223202 (2019). [PDF][Link][Suppl. Info.]P.Y. Wen, K.T. Lin, A.F. Kockum, B. Suri, H. Ian, J.C. Chen, S.Y. Mao, C.C. Chiu, P. Delsing, F. Nori, G.D. Lin, I.C. Hoi
Large Collective Lamb Shift of Two Distant Superconducting Artificial Atoms
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 233602 (2019). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]W. Nie, Z.H. Peng, F. Nori, Y.X. Liu
Topologically Protected Quantum Coherence in a Superatom
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 023603 (2020). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]Q. Bin, X.Y. Lu, F.P. Laussy, F. Nori, Y. Wu
N-Phonon Bundle Emission via the Stokes Process
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 053601 (2020). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]K. Funo, N. Lambert, F. Nori, C. Flindt
Shortcuts to Adiabatic Pumping in Classical Stochastic Systems
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 150603 (2020). [PDF][Link][arXiv]Y.N. Lu, Y.R. Zhang, G.Q. Liu, F. Nori, H. Fan, X.Y. Pan
Observing Information Backflow from Controllable Non-Markovian Multichannels in Diamond
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 210502 (2020). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]P.B. Li, Y. Zhou, W.B. Gao, F. Nori
Enhancing Spin-Phonon and Spin-Spin Interactions Using Linear Resources in a Hybrid Quantum System
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 153602 (2020). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]K. Ono, S.N. Shevchenko, T. Mori, S. Moriyama, F. Nori
Analog of a Quantum Heat Engine Using a Single-Spin Qubit
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 166802 (2020). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]
Editors' SuggestionY.H. Chen, W. Qin, X. Wang, A. Miranowicz, F. Nori
Shortcuts to Adiabaticity for the Quantum Rabi Model: Efficient Generation of Giant Entangled Cat States via Parametric Amplification
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 023602 (2021). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]X. Wang, T. Liu, A.F. Kockum, H.R. Li, F. Nori
Tunable Chiral Bound States with Giant Atoms
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 043602 (2021). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]X.L. Dong, P.B. Li, T. Liu, F. Nori
Unconventional Quantum Sound-Matter Interactions in Spin-Optomechanical-Crystal Hybrid Systems
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 203601 (2021). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]Y. Nomura, N. Yoshioka, F. Nori
Purifying Deep Boltzmann Machines for Thermal Quantum States
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 060601 (2021). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]W. Qin, A. Miranowicz, H. Jing, F. Nori
Generating Long-Lived Macroscopically Distinct Superposition States in Atomic Ensembles
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 093602 (2021). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]S. Ahmed, C.S. Munoz, F. Nori, A.F. Kockum
Quantum State Tomography with Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 140502 (2021). [PDF][Link][arXiv]K. Funo, N. Lambert, F. Nori
General Bound on the Performance of Counter-Diabatic Driving Acting on Dissipative Spin Systems
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 150401 (2021). [PDF][Link][arXiv]T. Liu, J.J. He, Z. Yang, F. Nori
Higher-Order Weyl-Exceptional-Ring Semimetals
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 196801 (2021). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]W. Nie, M. Antezza, Y.X. Liu, F. Nori
Dissipative Topological Phase Transition with Strong System-Environment Coupling
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 250402 (2021). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]
Editors' SuggestionL. Tang, J. Tang, M. Chen, F. Nori, M. Xiao, K. Xia
Quantum Squeezing Induced Optical Nonreciprocity
Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 083604 (2022). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]K. Xu, Y.R. Zhang, Z.H. Sun, H. Li, P. Song, Z. Xiang, K. Huang, H. Li, Y.H. Shi, C.T. Chen, X. Song, D. Zheng, F. Nori, H. Wang, H. Fan
Metrological Characterization of Non-Gaussian Entangled States of Superconducting Qubits
Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 150501 (2022). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]J.S. Tang, W. Nie, L. Tang, M. Chen, X. Su, Y. Lu, F. Nori, K. Xia
Nonreciprocal Single-Photon Band Structure
Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 203602 (2022). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]D.G. Lai, J.Q. Liao, A. Miranowicz, F. Nori
Noise-Tolerant Optomechanical Entanglement via Synthetic Magnetism
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 063602 (2022). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]W. Qin, A. Miranowicz, F. Nori
Beating the 3 dB Limit for Intracavity Squeezing and Its Application to Nondemolition Qubit Readout
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 123602 (2022). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]R.D. Muelas-Hurtado, K. Volke-Sepulveda, J.L. Ealo, F. Nori, M.A. Alonso, K.Y. Bliokh, E. Brasselet
Observation of Polarization Singularities and Topological Textures in Sound Waves
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 204301 (2022). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info., Movie1, 2, 3]V. Macri, A. Mercurio, F. Nori, S. Savasta, C.S. Munoz
Spontaneous Scattering of Raman Photons from Cavity-QED Systems in the Ultrastrong Coupling Regime
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 273602 (2022). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]L.B. Fan, C.C. Shu, D. Dong, J. He, N.E. Henriksen, F. Nori
Quantum Coherent Control of a Single Molecular-Polariton Rotation
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 043604 (2023). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]X.L. Hei, P.B. Li, X.F. Pan, F. Nori
Enhanced Tripartite Interactions in Spin-Magnon-Mechanical Hybrid Systems
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 073602 (2023). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]Y. Zeng, Z.Y. Zhou, E. Rinaldi, C. Gneiting, F. Nori
Approximate Autonomous Quantum Error Correction with Reinforcement Learning
Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 050601 (2023). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]Y.H. Shi, Y. Liu, Y.R. Zhang, Z. Xiang, K. Huang, T. Liu, Y.Y. Wang, J.C. Zhang, C.L. Deng, G.H. Liang, Z.Y. Mei, H. Li, T.M. Li, W.G. Ma, H.T. Liu, C.T. Chen, T. Liu, Y. Tian, X. Song, S.P. Zhao, K. Xu, D. Zheng, F. Nori, H. Fan
Quantum Simulation of Topological Zero Modes on a 41-Qubit Superconducting Processor
Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 080401 (2023). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]W. Nie, T. Shi, Y.X. Liu, F. Nori
Non-Hermitian Waveguide Cavity QED with Tunable Atomic Mirrors
Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 103602 (2023). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]R.H. Zheng, W. Ning, Y.H. Chen, J.H. Lu, L.T. Shen, K. Xu, Y.R. Zhang, D. Xu, H. Li, Y. Xia, F. Wu, Z.B. Yang, A. Miranowicz, N. Lambert, D. Zheng, H. Fan, F. Nori, S.B. Zheng
Observation of a Superradiant Phase Transition with Emergent Cat States
Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 113601 (2023). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]C. Yang, D. Zhang, J. Zhao, W. Gao, W. Yuan, Y. Long, Y. Pan, H. Chen, F. Nori, K.Y. Bliokh, Z. Zhong, J. Ren
Hybrid Spin and Anomalous Spin-Momentum Locking in Surface Elastic Waves
Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 136102 (2023). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]B. Wang, F. Nori, Z.L. Xiang
Quantum Phase Transitions in Optomechanical Systems
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 053601 (2024). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]D.A. Smirnova, F. Nori, K.Y. Bliokh
Water-Wave Vortices and Skyrmions
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 054003 (2024). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]
Editors' SuggestionX.F. Pan, P.B. Li, X.L. Hei, X. Zhang, M. Mochizuki, F.L. Li, F. Nori
Magnon-Skyrmion Hybrid Quantum Systems: Tailoring Interactions via Magnons
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 193601 (2024). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]G.L. Zhu, C.S. Hu, H. Wang, W. Qin, X.Y. Lu, F. Nori
Nonreciprocal Superradiant Phase Transitions and Multicriticality in a Cavity QED System
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 193602 (2024). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]Z.Y. Ge, Y.R. Zhang, F. Nori
Nonmesonic Quantum Many-Body Scars in a 1D Lattice Gauge Theory
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 230403 (2024). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]D.G. Lai, A. Miranowicz, F. Nori
Nonreciprocal Topological Phonon Transfer Independent of Both Device Mass and Exceptional-Point Encircling Direction
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 243602 (2024). [PDF][Link][Suppl. Info.]Y.H. Chen, Z.C. Shi, F. Nori, Y. Xia
Error-Tolerant Amplification and Simulation of the Ultrastrong-Coupling Quantum Rabi Model
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 033603 (2024). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]Q. Bin, H. Jing, Y. Wu, F. Nori, X.Y. Lu
Nonreciprocal Bundle Emissions of Quantum Entangled Pairs
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 043601 (2024). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]I.I. Arkhipov, F. Minganti, A. Miranowicz, S.K. Ozdemir, F. Nori
Restoring Adiabatic State Transfer in Time-Modulated Non-Hermitian Systems
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 113802 (2024). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]W. Qin, A. Miranowicz, F. Nori
Exponentially Improved Dispersive Qubit Readout with Squeezed Light
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 233605 (2024). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]K. Akbari, F. Nori, S. Hughes
Floquet Engineering the Quantum Rabi Model in the Ultrastrong Coupling Regime
Phys. Rev. Lett. 134, 063602 (2025). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]Y. Zeng, W. Qin, Y.H. Chen, C. Gneiting, F. Nori
Neural-Network-Based Design of Approximate Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill Code
Phys. Rev. Lett. 134, 060601 (2025). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]