Publications in Science and Nature journals
- F. Nori
Intermittently flowing rivers of quantized magnetic flux
Science 271, 1373-1374 (1996). [PDF][Link][HTML]
Animations are available here: [Local]. - S.B. Field, M. Klaus, M.G. Moore, F. Nori
Chaotic dynamics of falling disks
Nature 388, 252 (1997). [PDF][Link] - S. Savel'ev, F. Nori
Experimentally realizable devices for controlling the motion of magnetic flux quanta in anisotropic superconductors
Nature Materials 1, pp. 179-184 (2002). [PDF][Link]
Listed in the cover of the November issue, and also featured in a two-pages "News and Views", "Controlling the motion of quanta" [PDF][Link], Nature Materials 1, pp. 143-144 (2002). - G. D'Anna, P. Mayor, A. Barrat, V. Loreto, F. Nori
Observing Brownian motion in vibro-fluidized granular matter
Nature 424, 909-912 (2003). [PDF][Link][arXiv]
This article (featured all over via press, newswires, radio, and TV) is the Cover Story of the 21 August, 2003, issue of Nature. Also featured in that issue in the table of contents and via a companion "News and Views" [PDF][Link]. - J.E. Villegas, S. Savel'ev, F. Nori, E.M. Gonzalez, J.V. Anguita, R. Garcia, J.L. Vicent
A superconducting reversible rectifier that controls the motion of magnetic flux quanta
Science 302, 1188-1191 (2003). [PDF][Link]
Also featured in an "Enhanced Perspectives" Science 302, 1159 (2003) [PDF][Link], the only one for that issue, and one of about three for all of Physics during 2003. Also featured in the "This week in Science" page of that issue of Science [PDF]. - P. Carninci et al.
The transcriptional landscape of the mammalian genome
Science 309, 1559-1563 (2005). [PDF][Link] - F. Nori, A. Tonomura
Helical spin order on the move
Science 311, 344-345 (2006). [PDF][Link] - D. Cole, S.J. Bending, S. Savel'ev, A. Grigorenko, T. Tamegai, F. Nori
Ratchet without spatial asymmetry: Controlling the motion of magnetic flux quanta using time-asymmetric drives
Nature Materials 5, 305-311 (2006). [PDF][Link]
Also featured in a News and Views [PDF][Link]. - S. Savel'ev, A.L. Rakhmanov, V.A. Yampol'skii, F. Nori
Analogues of nonlinear optics using terahertz Josephson plasma waves in layered superconductors
Nature Physics 2, 521-525 (2006). [PDF][Link]
Featured in Nature Physics News and Views [PDF][Link] (2006). - F. Nori
Reversible diodes for moving quanta
Nature Physics 2, 227 (2006). [PDF][Link] - A. Tonomura, F. Nori
Disturbance without the force
Nature 452, 298-299 (2008). [PDF][Link] - F. Nori
Atomic physics with a circuit
Nature Physics 4, 589 (2008). [PDF][Link] - F. Nori
Geometrical optics: The dynamics of spinning light
Nature Photonics 2, 716 (2008). [PDF][Link]
See also [PDF]. - F. Nori
Quantum football
Science 325, 689-690 (2009). [PDF][Link] - I. Buluta, F. Nori
Quantum Simulators
Science 326, pp. 108-111 (2009). [PDF][Link] - J.Q. You, F. Nori
Atomic physics and quantum optics using superconducting circuits
Nature 474, 589 (2011). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - C.M. Wilson, G. Johansson, A. Pourkabirian, J.R. Johansson, T. Duty, F. Nori, P. Delsing
Observation of the dynamical Casimir effect in a superconducting circuit
Nature 479, 376-379 (2011). [PDF][Link][arXiv]
The supplementary material is here [PDF][Link] Featured in a Nature "News & Views" [PDF][Link] Physics World top five Physics breakthroughs of the year 2011 [PDF][Link] According to Nature, coverage of our work on Nature News was "The most read news story of 2011". [PDF][Link] - N. Lambert, Y.N. Chen, Y.C. Chen, C.M. Li, G.Y. Chen, F. Nori
Quantum biology
Nature Physics 9, 10-18 (2013). [PDF][Link][arXiv] (published online Dec. 12, 2012) - B. Peng, S.K. Ozdemir, W. Chen, F. Nori, L. Yang
What is and what is not electromagnetically induced transparency in whispering-gallery microcavities
Nature Communications 5, 5082 (2014). [PDF][Link][arXiv]
The supplementary material is here [PDF][Link]. - S. Okaba, T. Takano, F. Benabid, T. Bradley, L. Vincetti, Z. Maizelis, V. Yampol'skii, F. Nori, H. Katori
Lamb-Dicke spectroscopy of atoms in a hollow-core photonic crystal fibre
Nature Communications 5, 4096 (2014). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - P. Schattschneider, Th. Schachinger, M. Stoger-Pollach, S. Loffler, A. Steiger-Thirsfeld, K.Y. Bliokh, F. Nori
Imaging the dynamics of free-electron Landau states
Nature Communications 5, 4586 (2014). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - B. Peng, S.K. Ozdemir, S. Rotter, H. Yilmaz, M. Liertzer, F. Monifi, C. M. Bender, F. Nori, L. Yang
Loss-induced suppression and revival of lasing
Science 346, 328-332 (2014). [PDF][Link][arXiv]
The supplementary material is here [PDF][Link].
Also featured in a "Perspective" Science 346, 304-305 (2014) [PDF][Link]. -
B. Peng, S.K. Ozdemir, F. Lei, F. Monifi, M. Gianfreda, G. L. Long, S. Fan, F. Nori, C. M. Bender, L. Yang
Parity-time-symmetric whispering-gallery microcavities
Nature Physics 10, 394-398 (2014). [PDF][Link][arXiv]
The supplementary material is here [PDF][Link] Featured in a Nature Physics "News & Views" [PDF][Link] - K.Y. Bliokh, A.Y. Bekshaev, F. Nori
Extraordinary momentum and spin in evanescent waves
Nature Communications 5, 3300 (2014). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.] K.Y. Bliokh, D. Smirnova, F. Nori
Quantum spin Hall effect of light
Science 348, pp. 1448-1451 (2015). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]
Also featured in a "Perspective" Science 348, pp. 1432-1433 (2015). [PDF][Link]
Earlier version: K.Y. Bliokh, F. Nori, Quantum spin Hall effect and topological insulators for light (2015). [arXiv]- T. Gao, E. Estrecho, K.Y. Bliokh, T.C.H. Liew, M.D. Fraser, S. Brodbeck, M. Kamp, C. Schneider, S. Höfling, Y. Yamamoto, F. Nori, Y.S. Kivshar, A. Truscott, R. Dall, E.A. Ostrovskaya
Observation of non-Hermitian degeneracies in a chaotic exciton-polariton billiard
Nature 526, 15522 (2015). [PDF][Link][arXiv] -
K.Y. Bliokh, F.J. Rodriguez-Fortuno, F. Nori, A.V. Zayats
Spin–orbit interactions of light
Nature Photonics 9, pp. 796–808 (2015). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - D. Zhang, X.M. Wang, T.F. Li, X.Q. Luo, W. Wu, F. Nori, J.Q. You
Cavity quantum electrodynamics with ferromagnetic magnons in a small yttrium-iron-garnet sphere
npj Quantum Information 1, 15014 (2015). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.] M. Antognozzi, C.R. Bermingham, R.L. Harniman, S. Simpson, J. Senior, R. Hayward, H. Hoerber, M.R. Dennis, A.Y. Bekshaev, K.Y. Bliokh, F. Nori
Direct measurements of the extraordinary optical momentum and transverse spin-dependent force using a nano-cantilever
Nature Physics 12, 731–735 (2016). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]
Featured in a "News and Views”: Optomechanical tomography, Nature Physics 12, 725 (2016). [PDF][Link]F. Monifi, J. Zhang, S.K. Ozdemir, B. Peng, Y.X. Liu, F. Bo, F. Nori, L. Yang
Optomechanically induced stochastic resonance and chaos transfer between optical fields
Nature Photonics 10, 399–405 (2016). [PDF][Link][Suppl. Info.]
Nature Photonics Cover [PNG]
Featured in a "News and Views”: Optomechanics: Vibrations copying optical chaos,
Nature Photonics 10, 366–368 (2016). [PDF][Link]-
E.A. Ostrovskaya, F. Nori
Giant Rydberg excitons: Probing quantum chaos
Nature Materials 15, 702–703 (2016). [PDF][Link][Link] -
C.Y. Chiu, N. Lambert, T.L. Liao, F. Nori, C.M. Li
No-cloning of quantum steering
npj Quantum Information 2, 16020 (2016). [PDF][Link][Link][arXiv] -
M. Asano, K.Y. Bliokh, Y.P. Bliokh, A.G. Kofman, R. Ikuta, T. Yamamoto, Y.S. Kivshar, L. Yang, N. Imoto, S.K. Ozdemir, F. Nori
Anomalous time delays and quantum weak measurements in optical micro-resonators
Nature Communications 7, 13488 (2016). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.][Reviewers' Comments] -
K. Bartkiewicz, A. Černoch, G. Chimczak, K. Lemr, A. Miranowicz, F. Nori
Experimental quantum forgery of quantum optical money
npj Quantum Information, 3, 7 (2017). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.] -
D. Herr, F. Nori, S.J. Devitt
Optimization of Lattice Surgery is NP-Hard
npj Quantum Information 3, 35 (2017). [PDF][Link][arXiv] -
R. Manenti, A.F. Kockum, A. Patterson, T. Behrle, J. Rahamim, G. Tancredi, F. Nori, P.J. Leek
Circuit quantum acoustodynamics with surface acoustic waves
Nature Communications 8, 975 (2017). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.] -
Z.Z. Zhang, X.X. Song, G. Luo, G.W. Deng, V. Mosallanejad, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, H.O. Li, G. Cao, G.C. Guo, F. Nori, G.P. Guo
Electrotunable artificial molecules based on van der Waals heterostructures
Science Advances 3, e1701699 (2017). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.] C.S. Munoz, F. Nori, S. De Liberato
Resolution of superluminal signalling in non-perturbative cavity quantum electrodynamics
Nature Communications 9, 1924 (2018). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.][Reviewers' Comments]T. Nakajima, M.R. Delbecq, T. Otsuka, S. Amaha, J. Yoneda, A. Noiri, K. Takeda, G. Allison, A. Ludwig, A.D. Wieck, X. Hu, F. Nori, S. Tarucha
Coherent transfer of electron spin correlations assisted by dephasing noise
Nature Communications 9, 2133 (2018). [PDF][Link_1][Link_2][arXiv][Suppl. Info.][Reviewers' Comments]D. Herr, A. Paler, S.J. Devitt, F. Nori
A local and scalable lattice renormalization method for ballistic quantum computation
npj Quantum Information 4, 27 (2018). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]S. Maayani, R. Dahan, Y. Kligerman, E. Moses, A.U. Hassan, H. Jing, F. Nori, D.N. Christodoulides, T. Carmon
Flying couplers above spinning resonators generate irreversible refraction
Nature 558, pp. 569–572 (2018). [PDF][Link_1][Link_2]J. Zhang, B. Peng, S.K. Ozdemir, K. Pichler, D.O. Krimer, G. Zhao, F. Nori, Y.X. Liu, S. Rotter, L. Yang
A phonon laser operating at an exceptional point
Nature Photonics 12, pp. 479–484 (2018). [PDF][Link][Suppl. Info.]B.X. Wang, M.J. Tao, Q. Ai, T. Xin, N. Lambert, D. Ruan, Y.C. Cheng, F. Nori, F.G. Deng, G.L. Long
Efficient quantum simulation of photosynthetic light harvesting
npj Quantum Information 4, 52 (2018). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]A.F. Kockum, A. Miranowicz, S. De Liberato, S. Savasta, F. Nori
Ultrastrong coupling between light and matter
Nature Reviews Physics 1, pp. 19–40 (2019). [PDF][Link][arXiv]
This is the only review (plus three technical reviews) of the first issue of this journal.K.Y. Bliokh, D. Leykam, M. Lein, F. Nori
Topological non-Hermitian origin of surface Maxwell waves
Nature Communications 10, 580 (2019). [PDF][Link_1][Link_2][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]S.K. Ozdemir, S. Rotter, F. Nori, L. Yang
Parity–time symmetry and exceptional points in photonics
Nature Materials 18, pp. 783–798 (2019). [PDF][Link_1][Link_2]Q.P. Su, Y. Zhang, L. Yu, J.Q. Zhou, J.S. Jin, X.Q. Xu, S.J. Xiong, Q. Xu, Z. Sun, K. Chen, F. Nori, C.P. Yang
Experimental demonstration of quantum walks with initial superposition states
npj Quantum Information 5, 40 (2019). [PDF][Link_1][Link_2][arXiv]Z. Yan, Y.R. Zhang, M. Gong, Y. Wu, Y. Zheng, S. Li, C. Wang, F. Liang, J. Lin, Y. Xu, C. Guo, L. Sun, C.Z. Peng, K. Xia, H. Deng, H. Rong, J.Q. You, F. Nori, H. Fan, X. Zhu, J.W. Pan
Strongly correlated quantum walks with a 12-qubit superconducting processor
Science 364, pp. 753-756 (2019). [PDF][Link][Suppl. Info.][Suppl. Info. Movie]
O. Di Stefano, A. Settineri, V. Macri, L. Garziano, R. Stassi, S. Savasta, F. Nori
Resolution of gauge ambiguities in ultrastrong-coupling cavity quantum electrodynamics
Nature Physics 15, pp. 803–808 (2019). [PDF][Link_1][Link_2][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]W. Qin, A. Miranowicz, G. Long, J.Q. You, F. Nori
Proposal to test quantum wave-particle superposition on massive mechanical resonators
npj Quantum Information 5, 58 (2019). [PDF][Link_1][Link_2][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]N. Lambert, S. Ahmed, M. Cirio, F. Nori
Modelling the ultra-strongly coupled spin-boson model with unphysical modes
Nature Communications 10, 3721 (2019). [PDF][Link_1][Link_2][arXiv][Suppl. Info.][Reviewers' Comments]H.B. Chen, P.Y. Lo, C. Gneiting, J. Bae, Y.N. Chen, F. Nori
Quantifying the nonclassicality of pure dephasing
Nature Communications 10, 3794 (2019). [PDF][Link_1][Link_2][arXiv][Suppl. Info.][Reviewers' Comments]J.A. Li, D. Dong, Z. Wei, Y. Liu, Y. Pan, F. Nori, X. Zhang
Quantum reinforcement learning during human decision-making
Nature Human Behaviour 4, pp. 294–307 (2020). [PDF][Link_1][Link_2][Suppl. Info.]K. Xu, Z.H. Sun, W. Liu, Y.R. Zhang, H. Li, H. Dong, W. Ren, P. Zhang, F. Nori, D. Zheng, H. Fan, H. Wang
Probing dynamical phase transitions with a superconducting quantum simulator
Science Advances 6, eaba4935 (2020). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]K.D. Wu, Z. Hou, G.Y. Xiang, C.F. Li, G.C. Guo, D. Dong, F. Nori
Detecting non-Markovianity via quantified coherence: theory and experiments
npj Quantum Information 6, 55 (2020). [PDF][Link_1][Link_2][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]B. Kannan, M.J. Ruckriegel, D.L. Campbell, A.F. Kockum, J. Braumuller, D.K. Kim, M. Kjaergaard, P. Krantz, A. Melville, B.M. Niedzielski, A. Vepsalainen, R. Winik, J.L. Yoder, F. Nori, T.P. Orlando, S. Gustavsson, W.D. Oliver
Waveguide quantum electrodynamics with superconducting artificial giant atoms
Nature 583, pp. 775–779 (2020). [PDF][Link_1][Link_2][arXiv]R. Stassi, M. Cirio, F. Nori
Scalable quantum computer with superconducting circuits in the ultrastrong coupling regime
npj Quantum Information 6, 67 (2020). [PDF][Link_1][Link_2][arXiv]Y.Y. Zhao, H.Y. Ku, S.L. Chen, H.B. Chen, F. Nori, G.Y. Xiang, C.F. Li, G.C. Guo, Y.N. Chen
Experimental demonstration of measurement-device-independent measure of quantum steering
npj Quantum Information 6, 77 (2020). [PDF][Link_1][Link_2][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]H.Y. Ku, N. Lambert, F.J. Chan, C. Emary, Y.N. Chen, F. Nori
Experimental test of non-macrorealistic cat states in the cloud
npj Quantum Information 6, 98 (2020). [PDF][Link_1][Link_2][arXiv]J.S. Eismann, L.H. Nicholls, D.J. Roth, M.A. Alonso, P. Banzer, F.J. Rodriguez-Fortuno, A.V. Zayats, F. Nori, K.Y. Bliokh
Transverse spinning of unpolarized light
Nature Photonics 15, pp. 156–161 (2020). [PDF][Link_1][Link_2][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]
A “News and Views” article on our paper (listed above) has been published in Nature Photonics. "Longitudinal fields and transverse rotations" (2021) [PDF][Link]M.X. Dong, K.Y. Xia, W.H. Zhang, Y.C. Yu, Y.H. Ye, E.Z. Li, L. Zeng, D.S. Ding, B.S. Shi, G.C. Guo, F. Nori
All-optical reversible single-photon isolation at room temperature
Science Advances 7, eabe8924 (2021). [PDF][Link]D. Sugic, R. Droop, E. Otte, D. Ehrmanntraut, F. Nori, J. Ruostekoski, C. Denz, M.R. Dennis
Particle-like topologies in light
Nature Communications 12, 6785 (2021). [PDF][Link_1][Link_2][arXiv][Suppl. Info. 1, 2, 3, MP4]K.Y. Bliokh, H. Punzmann, H. Xia, F. Nori, M. Shats
Field theory spin and momentum in water waves
Science Advances 8, eabm1295 (2022). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]C. Leefmans, A. Dutt, J. Williams, L. Yuan, M. Parto, F. Nori, S. Fan, A. Marandi
Topological dissipation in a time-multiplexed photonic resonator network
Nature Physics 18, pp. 442–449 (2022). [PDF][Link_1][Link_2][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]
“News and Views” article featuring our work: H. Buljan, et al., Loss leads the way to utopia [PDF][Link]D.X. Chen, Y. Zhang, J.L. Zhao, Q.C. Wu, Y.L. Fang, C.P. Yang, F. Nori
Experimental investigation of wave-particle duality relations in asymmetric beam interference
npj Quantum Information 8, 101 (2022). [PDF][Link_1][Link_2][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]J.W. Zhang, J.Q. Zhang, G.Y. Ding, J.C. Li, J.T. Bu, B. Wang, L.L. Yan, S.L. Su, L. Chen, F. Nori, S.K. Ozdemir, F. Zhou, H. Jing, M. Feng
Dynamical control of quantum heat engines using exceptional points
Nature Communications 13, 6225 (2022). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.][Reviewers' Comments]Y. Shi, T. Zhu, J. Liu, D.P. Tsai, H. Zhang, S. Wang, C.T. Chan, P.C. Wu, A.V. Zayats, F. Nori, A.Q. Liu
Stable optical lateral forces from inhomogeneities of the spin angular momentum
Science Advances 8, eabn2291 (2022). [PDF][Link][Suppl. Info.]T. Kuang, R. Huang, W. Xiong, Y. Zuo, X. Han, F. Nori, C.W. Qiu, H. Luo, H. Jing, G. Xiao
Nonlinear multi-frequency phonon lasers with active levitated optomechanics
Nature Physics 19, pp. 414-419 (2023). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]M. Parto, C. Leefmans, J. Williams, F. Nori, A. Marandi
Non-Abelian effects in dissipative photonic topological lattices
Nature Communications 14, 1440 (2023). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.][Reviewers' Comments]I.I. Arkhipov, A. Miranowicz, F. Minganti, S.K. Ozdemir, F. Nori
Dynamically crossing diabolic points while encircling exceptional curves: A programmable symmetric-asymmetric multimode switch
Nature Communications 14, 2076 (2023). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.][Reviewers' Comments]S.P. Wang, A. Ridolfo, T. Li, S. Savasta, F. Nori, Y. Nakamura, J.Q. You
Probing the symmetry breaking of a light–matter system by an ancillary qubit
Nature Communications 14, 4397 (2023). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.][Reviewers' Comments]Z.C. Xiang, K. Huang, Y.R. Zhang, T. Liu, Y.H. Shi, C.L. Deng, T. Liu, H. Li, G.H. Liang, Z.Y. Mei, H. Yu, G. Xue, Y. Tian, X. Song, Z.B. Liu, K. Xu, D. Zheng, F. Nori, H. Fan
Simulating Chern insulators on a superconducting quantum processor
Nature Communications 14, 5433 (2023). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info. 1, 2, MP4][Reviewers' Comments]X. Zhou, X. Ren, D. Xiao, J. Zhang, R. Huang, Z. Li, X. Sun, X. Wu, C.W. Qiu, F. Nori, H. Jing
Higher-order singularities in phase-tracked electromechanical oscillators
Nature Communications 14, 7944 (2023). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.][Reviewers' Comments]O. Di Stefano, A. Settineri, V. Macri, L. Garziano, R. Stassi, S. Savasta, F. Nori
Gauge non-invariance due to material truncation in ultrastrong-coupling quantum electrodynamics
Nature Physics 20, pp. 379–380 (2023). [PDF][Link]J. He, D. Pan, M. Liu, Z. Lyu, Z. Jia, G. Yang, S. Zhu, G. Liu, J. Shen, S.N. Shevchenko, F. Nori, J. Zhao, L. Lu, F. Qu
Quantifying quantum coherence of multiple-charge states in tunable Josephson junctions
npj Quantum Information 10, 1 (2024). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]C.R. Leefmans, M. Parto, J. Williams, G.H.Y. Li, A. Dutt, F. Nori, A. Marandi
Topological temporally mode-locked laser
Nature Physics 20, pp. 852-858 (2024). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]P. Song, X. Ruan, H. Ding, S. Li, M. Chen, R. Huang, L.M. Kuang, Q. Zhao, J.S. Tsai, H. Jing, L. Yang, F. Nori, D. Zheng, Y.X. Liu, J. Zhang, Z. Peng
Experimental realization of on-chip few-photon control around exceptional points
Nature Communications 15, 9848 (2024). [PDF][Link][Suppl. Info.][Reviewers' Comments]Y. Liu, Y.R. Zhang, Y.H. Shi, T. Liu, C. Lu, Y.Y. Wang, H. Li, T.M. Li, C.L. Deng, S.Y. Zhou, T. Liu, J.C. Zhang, G.H. Liang, Z.Y. Mei, W.G. Ma, H.T. Liu, Z.H. Liu, C.T. Chen, K. Huang, X. Song, S.P. Zhao, Y. Tian, Z. Xiang, D. Zheng, F. Nori, K. Xu, H. Fan
Interplay between disorder and topology in Thouless pumping on a superconducting quantum processor
Nature Communications 16, 108 (2025). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.][Reviewers' Comments]J.D. Lin, P.C. Kuo, N. Lambert, A. Miranowicz, F. Nori, Y.N. Chen
Non-Markovian quantum exceptional points
Nature Communications 16, 1289 (2025). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.][Reviewers' Comments]
Publications in Communication Physics
N. Yoshioka, W. Mizukami, F. Nori
Solving quasiparticle band spectra of real solids using neural-network quantum states
Communications Physics 4, 106 (2021). [PDF][Link_1][Link_2][arXiv]Y.L. Fang, J.L. Zhao, Y. Zhang, D.X. Chen, Q.C. Wu, Y.H. Zhou, C.P. Yang, F. Nori
Experimental demonstration of coherence flow in PT- and anti-PT-symmetric systems
Communications Physics 4, 223 (2021). [PDF][Link_1][Link_2][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]Y.T. Huang, P.C. Kuo, N. Lambert, M. Cirio, S. Cross, S.L. Yang, F. Nori, Y.N. Chen
An efficient Julia framework for hierarchical equations of motion in open quantum systems
Communications Physics 6, 313 (2023). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Reviewers' Comments]Y.H. Chen, Y. Qiu, A. Miranowicz, N. Lambert, W. Qin, R. Stassi, Y. Xia, S.B. Zheng, F. Nori
Sudden change of the photon output field marks phase transitions in the quantum Rabi model
Communications Physics 7, 5 (2024). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]
Publications in Scientific Reports
- G.Y. Chen, N. Lambert, C.M. Li, Y.N. Chen, F. Nori
Delocalized single-photon Dicke states and the Leggett-Garg inequality in solid state systems
Scientific Reports 2, 869 (2012). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Errata] - C.M. Li, N. Lambert, Y.N. Chen, G.Y. Chen, F. Nori
Witnessing Quantum Coherence: from solid-state to biological systems
Scientific Reports 2, 885 (2012). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - N. Ishida, T. Byrnes, F. Nori, Y. Yamamoto
Photoluminescence of a microcavity quantum dot system in the quantum strong-coupling regime
Scientific Reports 3, 1180 (2013). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - J. Zhang, Y.X. Liu, S.K. Ozdemir, R.B. Wu, F. Gao, X.B. Wang, L. Yang, F. Nori
Quantum internet using code division multiple access
Scientific Reports 3, 2211 (2013). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - X.Y. Lu, W.M. Zhang, S. Ashhab, Y. Wu, F. Nori
Quantum-criticality-induced strong Kerr nonlinearities in optomechanical systems
Scientific Reports 3, 2943 (2013). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - Q. Ai, D. Xu, S. Yi, A.G. Kofman, C.P. Sun, F. Nori
Quantum anti-Zeno effect without wave function reduction
Scientific Reports 3, 1752 (2013). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - J.Q. You, Z.D. Wang, W. Zhang, F. Nori
Encoding a qubit with Majorana modes in superconducting circuits
Scientific Reports 4, 5535 (2014). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - J.Q. Liao, F. Nori
Single-photon quadratic optomechanics
Scientific Reports 4, 6302 (2014). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - Y. Zhang, L. Yu, J.Q. Liang, G. Chen, S. Jia, F. Nori
Quantum phases in circuit QED with a superconducting qubit array
Scientific Reports 4, 4083 (2014). [PDF][Link][arXiv] -
Y.X. Liu, H.C. Sun, Z.H. Peng, A. Miranowicz, J.S. Tsai, F. Nori
Controllable microwave three-wave mixing via a single three-level superconducting quantum circuit
Scientific Reports 4, 7289 (2014). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - D. Dong, C. Chen, B. Qi, I. R. Petersen, F. Nori
Robust manipulation of superconducting qubits in the presence of fluctuations
Scientific Reports 5, 7873 (2015). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - H. Jing, S.K. Ozdemir, Z. Geng, J. Zhang, X.Y. Lu, B. Peng, L. Yang, F. Nori
Optomechanically-Induced Transparency in parity-time-symmetric microresonators
Scientific Reports 5, 9663 (2015). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Correction] -
T. Tanamoto, K. Ono, Y.X. Liu, F. Nori
Dynamic creation of a topologically-ordered Hamiltonian using spin-pulse control in the Heisenberg model
Scientific Reports 5, 10076 (2015). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.] - Y. Zhang, J. Fan, J.Q. Liang, J. Ma, G. Chen, S. Jia, F. Nori
Photon Devil’s staircase: photon long-range repulsive interaction in lattices of coupled resonators with Rydberg atoms
Scientific Reports 5, 11510 (2015). [PDF][Link][arXiv] -
H.B. Chen, N. Lambert, Y.C. Cheng, Y.N. Chen, F. Nori
Using non-Markovian measures to evaluate quantum master equations for photosynthesis
Scientific Reports 5, 12753 (2015). [PDF][Link][arXiv] -
H.N. Xiong, P.Y. Lo, W.M. Zhang, D.H. Feng, F. Nori
Non-Markovian Complexity in the Quantum-to-Classical Transition
Scientific Reports 5, 13353 (2015). [PDF][Link][arXiv] -
A.M. Zagoskin, A. Chipouline, E. Il’ichev, J.R. Johansson, F. Nori
Toroidal qubits: naturally-decoupled quiet artificial atoms
Scientific Reports 5, 16934 (2015). [PDF][Link][arXiv] -
S. Oh, X. Hu, F. Nori, S. Kais
Singularity of the time-energy uncertainty in adiabatic perturbation and cycloids on a Bloch sphere
Scientific Reports 6, 20824 (2016). [PDF][Link][arXiv] -
Y.V. Pershin, S.N. Shevchenko, F. Nori
Memristive Sisyphus circuit for clock signal generation
Scientific Reports 6, 26155 (2016). [PDF][Link][arXiv] -
T. Liu, Q.P. Su, S.J. Xiong, J.M. Liu, C.P. Yang, F. Nori
Generation of a macroscopic entangled coherent state using quantum memories in circuit QED
Scientific Reports 6, 32004 (2016). [PDF][Link][arXiv] D. Dong, C. Wu, C. Chen, B. Qi, I.R. Petersen, F. Nori
Learning robust pulses for generating universal quantum gates
Scientific Reports 6, 36090 (2016). [PDF][Link_1][Link_2][arXiv]-
K. Bartkiewicz, A. Černoch, K. Lemr, A. Miranowicz, F. Nori
Experimental temporal quantum steering
Scientific Reports 6, 38076 (2016). [PDF][Link][arXiv] -
J. Fan, Y. Chen, G. Chen, L. Xiao, S. Jia, F. Nori
Electric-field-induced interferometric resonance of a one-dimensional spin-orbit-coupled electron
Scientific Reports 6, 38851 (2016). [PDF][Link][arXiv] -
G.Y. Chen, N. Lambert, Y.A. Shih, M.H. Liu, Y.N. Chen, F. Nori
Plasmonic bio-sensing for the Fenna-Matthews-Olson complex
Scientific Reports 7, 39720 (2017). [PDF][Link][arXiv] -
H. Jing, S.K. Ozdemir, H. Lu, F. Nori
High-order exceptional points in optomechanics
Scientific Reports 7, 3386 (2017). [PDF][Link][arXiv] -
S.L. Chen, N. Lambert, C.M. Li, G.Y. Chen, Y.N. Chen, A. Miranowicz, F. Nori
Spatio-Temporal Steering for Testing Nonclassical Correlations in Quantum Networks
Scientific Reports 7, 3728 (2017). [PDF][Link][arXiv] -
A.F. Kockum, V. Macri, L. Garziano, S. Savasta, F. Nori
Frequency conversion in ultrastrong cavity QED
Scientific Reports 7, 5313 (2017). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.] O.V. Ivakhnenko, S.N. Shevchenko, F. Nori
Simulating quantum dynamical phenomena using classical oscillators: Landau-Zener-Stückelberg-Majorana interferometry, latching modulation, and motional averaging
Scientific Reports 8, 12218 (2018). [PDF][Link][arXiv]O. Di Stefano, A.F. Kockum, A. Ridolfo, S. Savasta, F. Nori
Photodetection probability in quantum systems with arbitrarily strong light-matter interaction
Scientific Reports 8, 17825 (2018). [PDF][Link_1][Link_2][arXiv]N. Yang, A. Miranowicz, Y.C. Liu, K. Xia, F. Nori
Chaotic synchronization of two optical cavity modes in optomechanical systems
Scientific Reports 9, 15874 (2019). [PDF][Link_1][Link_2][arXiv]S. Endo, Y. Matsuzaki, K. Kakuyanagi, S. Saito, N. Lambert, F. Nori
Projecting an ultra-strongly-coupled system in a non-energy-eigenbasis with a driven nonlinear resonator
Scientific Reports 10, 1751 (2020). [PDF][Link_1][Link_2][arXiv]K. Bartkiewicz, C. Gneiting, A. Cernoch, K. Jirakova, K. Lemr, F. Nori
Experimental kernel-based quantum machine learning in finite feature space
Scientific Reports 10, 12356 (2020). [PDF][Link_1][Link_2][arXiv]L. Garbe, P. Wade, F. Minganti, N. Shammah, S. Felicetti, F. Nori
Dissipation-induced bistability in the two-photon Dicke model
Scientific Reports 10, 13408 (2020). [PDF][Link_1][Link_2][arXiv]L. Garziano, A. Ridolfo, A. Miranowicz, G. Falci, S. Savasta, F. Nori
Atoms in separated resonators can jointly absorb a single photon
Scientific Reports 10, 21660 (2020). [PDF][Link_1][Link_2][arXiv]P.O. Kofman, O.V. Ivakhnenko, S.N. Shevchenko, F. Nori
Majorana’s approach to nonadiabatic transitions validates the adiabatic-impulse approximation
Scientific Reports 13, 5053 (2023). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]