Topological physics

    1. J.Q. You, X.F. Shi, F. Nori
      Topological states and braiding statistics using quantum circuits
      (2008). [arXiv]

    2. X.F. Shi, Y. Yu, J.Q. You, F. Nori
      Topological quantum phase transition in an extended Kitaev spin model
      Phys. Rev. B 79, 134431 (2009). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    3. J.Q. You, X.F. Shi, X. Hu, F. Nori
      Quantum emulation of a spin system with topologically protected ground states using superconducting quantum circuits
      Phys. Rev. B 81, 014505 (2010). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    4. T. Tanamoto, K. Ono, Y.X. Liu, F. Nori
      Dynamic creation of a topologically-ordered Hamiltonian using spin-pulse control in the Heisenberg model
      Scientific Reports 5, 10076 (2015). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]

    5. K.Y. Bliokh, D. Smirnova, F. Nori
      Quantum spin Hall effect of light
      Science 348, pp. 1448-1451 (2015). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]
      Also featured in a "Perspective" Science 348, pp. 1432-1433 (2015). [PDF][Link]
      Earlier version: K.Y. Bliokh, F. Nori, Quantum spin Hall effect and topological insulators for light (2015). [arXiv]

    6. K.Y. Bliokh, F. Nori
      Transverse and longitudinal angular momenta of light
      Physics Reports 592, pp. 1-38 (2015). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    7. T. Gao, E. Estrecho, K.Y. Bliokh, T.C.H. Liew, M.D. Fraser, S. Brodbeck, M. Kamp, C. Schneider, S. Höfling, Y. Yamamoto, F. Nori, Y.S. Kivshar, A. Truscott, R. Dall, E.A. Ostrovskaya
      Observation of non-Hermitian degeneracies in a chaotic exciton-polariton billiard
      Nature 526, 15522 (2015). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    8. K.Y. Bliokh, F.J. Rodriguez-Fortuno, F. Nori, A.V. Zayats
      Spin–orbit interactions of light
      Nature Photonics 9, pp. 796–808 (2015). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    9. R.S. Akzyanov, A.L. Rakhmanov, A.V. Rozhkov, F. Nori
      Tunable Majorana fermion from Landau quantization in 2D topological superconductors
      Phys. Rev. B 94, 125428 (2016). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    10. D. Leykam, K.Y. Bliokh, C. Huang, Y.D. Chong, F. Nori
      Edge Modes, Degeneracies, and Topological Numbers in Non-Hermitian Systems
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 040401 (2017). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]

    11. C. Gneiting, F. Nori
      Quantum evolution in disordered transport
      Phys. Rev. A 96, 022135 (2017). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    12. C. Gneiting, F. Nori
      Disorder-induced dephasing in backscattering-free quantum transport
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 176802 (2017). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    13. Y.R. Zhang, Y. Zeng, H. Fan, J.Q. You, F. Nori
      Characterization of Topological States via Dual Multipartite Entanglement
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 250501 (2018). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]

    14. C. Gneiting, Z. Li, F. Nori
      Lifetime of flatband states
      Phys. Rev. B 98, 134203 (2018). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    15. T. Liu, J.J. He, F. Nori
      Majorana corner states in a two-dimensional magnetic topological insulator on a high-temperature superconductor
      Phys. Rev. B 98, 245413 (2018). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    16. K.Y. Bliokh, F. Nori
      Transverse spin and surface waves in acoustic metamaterials
      Phys. Rev. B 99, 020301(R) (2019). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    17. K.Y. Bliokh, D. Leykam, M. Lein, F. Nori
      Topological non-Hermitian origin of surface Maxwell waves
      Nature Communications 10, 580 (2019). [PDF][Link_1][Link_2][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]

    18. C. Gneiting, D. Leykam, F. Nori
      Disorder-Robust Entanglement Transport
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 066601 (2019). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]

    19. T. Liu, Y.R. Zhang, Q. Ai, Z. Gong, K. Kawabata, M. Ueda, F. Nori
      Second-Order Topological Phases in Non-Hermitian Systems
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 076801 (2019). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]

    20. S.K. Ozdemir, S. Rotter, F. Nori, L. Yang
      Parity–time symmetry and exceptional points in photonics
      Nature Materials 18, pp. 783–798 (2019). [PDF][Link_1][Link_2]

    21. Z. Li, F. Nori
      Nonlinear optical response in a noncentrosymmetric topological insulator
      Phys. Rev. B 99, 155146 (2019). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    22. K.Y. Bliokh, F. Nori
      Spin and orbital angular momenta of acoustic beams
      Phys. Rev. B 99, 174310 (2019). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Erratum]

    23. K.Y. Bliokh, F. Nori
      Klein-Gordon Representation of Acoustic Waves and Topological Origin of Surface Acoustic Modes
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 054301 (2019). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]

    24. Z.Y. Ge, Y.R. Zhang, T. Liu, S.W. Li, H. Fan, F. Nori
      Topological band theory for non-Hermitian systems from the Dirac equation
      Phys. Rev. B 100, 054105 (2019). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    25. K.Y. Bliokh, C. Prajapati, C.T. Samlan, N.K. Viswanathan, F. Nori
      Spin-Hall effect of light at a tilted polarizer
      Optics Letters 44, pp. 4781-4784 (2019). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    26. C.Y. Ju, A. Miranowicz, G.Y. Chen, F. Nori
      Non-Hermitian Hamiltonians and no-go theorems in quantum information
      Phys. Rev. A 100, 062118 (2019). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    27. F. Minganti, A. Miranowicz, R.W. Chhajlany, F. Nori
      Quantum exceptional points of non-Hermitian Hamiltonians and Liouvillians: The effects of quantum jumps
      Phys. Rev. A 100, 062131 (2019). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    28. I.I. Arkhipov, A. Miranowicz, F. Minganti, F. Nori
      Quantum and semiclassical exceptional points of a linear system of coupled cavities with losses and gain within the Scully-Lamb laser theory
      Phys. Rev. A 101, 013812 (2020). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    29. W. Nie, Z.H. Peng, F. Nori, Y.X. Liu
      Topologically Protected Quantum Coherence in a Superatom
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 023603 (2020). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]

    30. L. Burns, K.Y. Bliokh, F. Nori, J. Dressel
      Acoustic versus electromagnetic field theory: scalar, vector, spinor representations and the emergence of acoustic spin
      New Journal of Physics 22, 053050 (2020). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    31. D. Huybrechts, F. Minganti, F. Nori, M. Wouters, N. Shammah
      Validity of mean-field theory in a dissipative critical system: Liouvillian gap, PT-symmetric antigap, and permutational symmetry in the XYZ model
      Phys. Rev. B 101, 214302 (2020). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    32. F. Minganti, A. Miranowicz, R.W. Chhajlany, I.I. Arkhipov, F. Nori
      Hybrid-Liouvillian formalism connecting exceptional points of non-Hermitian Hamiltonians and Liouvillians via postselection of quantum trajectories
      Phys. Rev. A 101, 062112 (2020). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    33. D. Leykam, K.Y. Bliokh, F. Nori
      Edge modes in two-dimensional electromagnetic slab waveguides: Analogs of acoustic plasmons
      Phys. Rev. B 102, 045129 (2020). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    34. I.I. Arkhipov, A. Miranowicz, F. Minganti, F. Nori
      Liouvillian exceptional points of any order in dissipative linear bosonic systems: Coherence functions and switching between PT and anti-PT symmetries
      Phys. Rev. A 102, 033715 (2020). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    35. Y. Che, C. Gneiting, T. Liu, F. Nori
      Topological quantum phase transitions retrieved through unsupervised machine learning
      Phys. Rev. B 102, 134213 (2020). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    36. Y.I. Rodionov, K.I. Kugel, B.A. Aronzon, F. Nori
      Effect of disorder on the transverse magnetoresistance of Weyl semimetals
      Phys. Rev. B 102, 205105 (2020). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    37. T. Liu, J.J. He, T. Yoshida, Z.L. Xiang, F. Nori
      Non-Hermitian topological Mott insulators in one-dimensional fermionic superlattices
      Phys. Rev. B 102, 235151 (2020). [PDF][Link][arXiv]
      Editors' Suggestion

    38. D. Sugic, M.R. Dennis, F. Nori, K.Y. Bliokh
      Knotted polarizations and spin in three-dimensional polychromatic waves
      Phys. Rev. Research 2, 042045(R) (2020). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info. PDF, MP4]

    39. X. Wang, T. Liu, A.F. Kockum, H.R. Li, F. Nori
      Tunable Chiral Bound States with Giant Atoms
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 043602 (2021). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]

    40. F. Minganti, V. Macri, A. Settineri, S. Savasta, F. Nori
      Dissipative state transfer and Maxwell's demon in single quantum trajectories: Excitation transfer between two noninteracting qubits via unbalanced dissipation rates
      Phys. Rev. A 103, 052201 (2021). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    41. I.I. Arkhipov, F. Minganti, A. Miranowicz, F. Nori
      Generating high-order quantum exceptional points in synthetic dimensions
      Phys. Rev. A 104, 012205 (2021). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    42. G. Piccitto, M. Wauters, F. Nori, N. Shammah
      Symmetries and conserved quantities of boundary time crystals in generalized spin models
      Phys. Rev. B 104, 014307 (2021). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    43. K.Y. Bliokh, M.A. Alonso, D. Sugic, M. Perrin, F. Nori, E. Brasselet
      Polarization singularities and Möbius strips in sound and water-surface waves
      Physics of Fluids 33, 077122 (2021). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    44. Z.Y. Zhou, Z.L. Xiang, J.Q. You, F. Nori
      Work statistics in non-Hermitian evolutions with Hermitian endpoints
      Phys. Rev. E 104, 034107 (2021). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    45. T. Liu, J.J. He, Z. Yang, F. Nori
      Higher-Order Weyl-Exceptional-Ring Semimetals
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 196801 (2021). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]

    46. D. Sugic, R. Droop, E. Otte, D. Ehrmanntraut, F. Nori, J. Ruostekoski, C. Denz, M.R. Dennis
      Particle-like topologies in light
      Nature Communications 12, 6785 (2021). [PDF][Link_1][Link_2][arXiv][Suppl. Info. 1, 2, 3, MP4]

    47. W. Nie, M. Antezza, Y.X. Liu, F. Nori
      Dissipative Topological Phase Transition with Strong System-Environment Coupling
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 250402 (2021). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]
      Editors' Suggestion

    48. F. Minganti, I.I. Arkhipov, A. Miranowicz, F. Nori
      Continuous Dissipative Phase Transitions with or without Symmetry Breaking
      New Journal of Physics 23, 122001 (2021). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    49. C. Gneiting, A.V. Rozhkov, F. Nori
      Jump-time unraveling of Markovian open quantum systems
      Phys. Rev. A 104, 062212 (2021). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    50. K.Y. Bliokh, H. Punzmann, H. Xia, F. Nori, M. Shats
      Field theory spin and momentum in water waves
      Science Advances 8, eabm1295 (2022). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]

    51. E. Rinaldi, X. Han, M. Hassan, Y. Feng, F. Nori, M. McGuigan, M. Hanada
      Matrix-Model Simulations Using Quantum Computing, Deep Learning, and Lattice Monte Carlo
      PRX Quantum 3, 010324 (2022). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    52. C. Leefmans, A. Dutt, J. Williams, L. Yuan, M. Parto, F. Nori, S. Fan, A. Marandi
      Topological dissipation in a time-multiplexed photonic resonator network
      Nature Physics 18, pp. 442–449 (2022). [PDF][Link_1][Link_2][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]
      “News and Views” article featuring our work: H. Buljan, et al., Loss leads the way to utopia [PDF][Link]

    53. L. Tang, J. Tang, M. Chen, F. Nori, M. Xiao, K. Xia
      Quantum Squeezing Induced Optical Nonreciprocity
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 083604 (2022). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]

    54. C. Gneiting, A. Koottandavida, A.V. Rozhkov, F. Nori
      Unraveling the topology of dissipative quantum systems
      Phys. Rev. Research 4, 023036 (2022). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    55. J.S. Tang, W. Nie, L. Tang, M. Chen, X. Su, Y. Lu, F. Nori, K. Xia
      Nonreciprocal Single-Photon Band Structure
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 203602 (2022). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]

    56. R. Huang, S.K. Ozdemir, J.Q. Liao, F. Minganti, L.M. Kuang, F. Nori, H. Jing
      Exceptional Photon Blockade: Engineering Photon Blockade with Chiral Exceptional Points
      Laser & Photonics Reviews 16, 2100430 (2022). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    57. R.D. Muelas-Hurtado, K. Volke-Sepulveda, J.L. Ealo, F. Nori, M.A. Alonso, K.Y. Bliokh, E. Brasselet
      Observation of Polarization Singularities and Topological Textures in Sound Waves
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 204301 (2022). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info., Movie1, 2, 3]

    58. Q. Bin, L.L. Wan, F. Nori, Y. Wu, X.Y. Lu
      Out-of-time-order correlation as a witness for topological phase transitions
      Phys. Rev. B 107, L020202 (2023). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]

    59. M. Parto, C. Leefmans, J. Williams, F. Nori, A. Marandi
      Non-Abelian effects in dissipative photonic topological lattices
      Nature Communications 14, 1440 (2023). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.][Reviewers' Comments]

    60. I.I. Arkhipov, A. Miranowicz, F. Minganti, S.K. Ozdemir, F. Nori
      Dynamically crossing diabolic points while encircling exceptional curves: A programmable symmetric-asymmetric multimode switch
      Nature Communications 14, 2076 (2023). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.][Reviewers' Comments]

    61. Y.H. Shi, Y. Liu, Y.R. Zhang, Z. Xiang, K. Huang, T. Liu, Y.Y. Wang, J.C. Zhang, C.L. Deng, G.H. Liang, Z.Y. Mei, H. Li, T.M. Li, W.G. Ma, H.T. Liu, C.T. Chen, T. Liu, Y. Tian, X. Song, S.P. Zhao, K. Xu, D. Zheng, F. Nori, H. Fan
      Quantum Simulation of Topological Zero Modes on a 41-Qubit Superconducting Processor
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 080401 (2023). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]

    62. K.Y. Bliokh, E. Karimi, M.J. Padgett, M.A. Alonso, M.R. Dennis, A. Dudley, A. Forbes, S. Zahedpour, S.W. Hancock, H.M. Milchberg, S. Rotter, F. Nori, S.K. Ozdemir, N. Bender, H. Cao, P.B. Corkum, C. Hernandez-Garcia, H. Ren, Y. Kivshar, M.G. Silveirinha, N. Engheta, A. Rauschenbeutel, P. Schneeweiss, J. Volz, D. Leykam, D.A. Smirnova, K. Rong, B. Wang, E. Hasman, M.F. Picardi, A.V. Zayats, F.J. Rodriguez-Fortuno, C. Yang, J. Ren, A.B. Khanikaev, A. Alu, E. Brasselet, M. Shats, J. Verbeeck, P. Schattschneider, D. Sarenac, D.G. Cory, D.A. Pushin, M. Birk, A. Gorlach, I. Kaminer, F. Cardano, L. Marrucci, M. Krenn, F. Marquardt
      Roadmap on structured waves
      Journal of Optics 25, 103001 (2023). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    63. Z.C. Xiang, K. Huang, Y.R. Zhang, T. Liu, Y.H. Shi, C.L. Deng, T. Liu, H. Li, G.H. Liang, Z.Y. Mei, H. Yu, G. Xue, Y. Tian, X. Song, Z.B. Liu, K. Xu, D. Zheng, F. Nori, H. Fan
      Simulating Chern insulators on a superconducting quantum processor
      Nature Communications 14, 5433 (2023). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info. 1, 2, MP4][Reviewers' Comments]

    64. W. Nie, T. Shi, Y.X. Liu, F. Nori
      Non-Hermitian Waveguide Cavity QED with Tunable Atomic Mirrors
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 103602 (2023). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]

    65. I.I. Arkhipov, A. Miranowicz, F. Nori, S.K. Ozdemir, F. Minganti
      Fully solvable finite simplex lattices with open boundaries in arbitrary dimensions
      Phys. Rev. Research 5, 043092 (2023). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    66. X. Zhou, X. Ren, D. Xiao, J. Zhang, R. Huang, Z. Li, X. Sun, X. Wu, C.W. Qiu, F. Nori, H. Jing
      Higher-order singularities in phase-tracked electromechanical oscillators
      Nature Communications 14, 7944 (2023). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.][Reviewers' Comments]

    67. E. Smolina, L. Smirnov, D. Leykam, F. Nori, D. Smirnova
      Identifying topology of leaky photonic lattices with machine learning
      Nanophotonics 13, pp. 271-281 (2024). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]

    68. C.R. Leefmans, M. Parto, J. Williams, G.H.Y. Li, A. Dutt, F. Nori, A. Marandi
      Topological temporally mode-locked laser
      Nature Physics 20, pp. 852-858 (2024). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]

    69. C.Y. Ju, A. Miranowicz, Y.N. Chen, G.Y. Chen, F. Nori
      Emergent parallel transport and curvature in Hermitian and non-Hermitian quantum mechanics
      Quantum 8, 1277 (2024). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    70. I.I. Arkhipov, F. Minganti, A. Miranowicz, S.K. Ozdemir, F. Nori
      Restoring Adiabatic State Transfer in Time-Modulated Non-Hermitian Systems
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 113802 (2024). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]

    71. P. Song, X. Ruan, H. Ding, S. Li, M. Chen, R. Huang, L.M. Kuang, Q. Zhao, J.S. Tsai, H. Jing, L. Yang, F. Nori, D. Zheng, Y.X. Liu, J. Zhang, Z. Peng
      Experimental realization of on-chip few-photon control around exceptional points
      Nature Communications 15, 9848 (2024). [PDF][Link][Suppl. Info.][Reviewers' Comments]

    72. Y. Liu, Y.R. Zhang, Y.H. Shi, T. Liu, C. Lu, Y.Y. Wang, H. Li, T.M. Li, C.L. Deng, S.Y. Zhou, T. Liu, J.C. Zhang, G.H. Liang, Z.Y. Mei, W.G. Ma, H.T. Liu, Z.H. Liu, C.T. Chen, K. Huang, X. Song, S.P. Zhao, Y. Tian, Z. Xiang, D. Zheng, F. Nori, K. Xu, H. Fan
      Interplay between disorder and topology in Thouless pumping on a superconducting quantum processor
      Nature Communications 16, 108 (2025). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.][Reviewers' Comments]

    73. J.D. Lin, P.C. Kuo, N. Lambert, A. Miranowicz, F. Nori, Y.N. Chen
      Non-Markovian quantum exceptional points
      Nature Communications 16, 1289 (2025). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.][Reviewers' Comments]