Vortex Dynamics

    1. O. Pla, F. Nori
      Self-organized critical behavior in pinned flux lattices
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 919 (1991). [PDF][Link]

    2. R.A. Richardson, S.D. Peacor, F. Nori, C. Uher
      Thermal conductivity of YBa_2Cu_3O_7-delta in a magnetic field: Can k(H) probe the vortex state?
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 3856 (1991). [PDF][Link]

    3. R.A. Richardson, O. Pla, F. Nori
      Confirmation of the modified bean model from simulations of superconducting vortices
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 72, 1268 (1994). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    4. S.B. Field, J. Witt, F. Nori, X.S. Ling
      Superconducting vortex avalanches
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 1206 (1995). [PDF][Link]

    5. C. Reichhardt, J. Groth, C.J. Olson, S.B. Field, F. Nori
      Microscopic derivation of magnetic flux density profiles, magnetization hysteresis loops, and critical currents in strongly pinned superconductors
      Phys. Rev. B 52, 10441-10446 (1995). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    6. C. Reichhardt, C.J. Olson, J. Groth, S.B. Field, F. Nori
      Vortex plastic flow, local flux density, magnetization hysteresis loops, and critical currents deep in the Bose glass and Mott-insulator regimes
      Phys. Rev. B 53, R8898 (1996). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    7. C. Reichhardt, J. Groth, C.J. Olson, S.B. Field, F. Nori
      Spatio-temporal dynamics and plastic flow of vortices in superconductors with periodic arrays of pinning sites
      Phys. Rev. B 54, 16108 (1996). [PDF][Link][arXiv]
      Enhanced-clarity grey-scale figures were published in 56, 14196 (1997) [PDF][Link]

    8. J. Groth, C. Reichhardt, C.J. Olson, S.B. Field, F. Nori
      Vortex plastic motion in twinned superconductors
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 3625 (1996). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    9. F. Nori
      Intermittently flowing rivers of quantized magnetic flux
      Science 271, 1373-1374 (1996). [PDF][Link][HTML]
      Animations are available here: [Local].

    10. C.J. Olson, C. Reichhardt, J. Groth, S.B. Field, F. Nori
      Plastic flow, voltage noise, and vortex avalanches in superconductors
      Physica C 290, 89-97 (1997). [Link][arXiv]

    11. C.J. Olson, C. Reichhardt, F. Nori
      Superconducting vortex avalanches, voltage bursts, and vortex plastic flow: Effect of the microscopic pinning landscape on the macroscopic properties
      Phys. Rev. B 56, 6175 (1997). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    12. C. Reichhardt, C.J. Olson, F. Nori
      Dynamic phases of vortices in superconductors with periodic pinning
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 2648 (1997). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    13. C. Reichhardt, C.J. Olson, F. Nori
      Commensurate and incommensurate vortex states in superconductors with periodic pinning arrays
      Phys. Rev. B 57, 7937 (1998). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    14. C. Reichhardt, C.J. Olson, F. Nori
      Nonequilibrium dynamical phases and plastic flow of driven vortex lattices in superconductors with periodic arrays of pinning sites
      Phys. Rev. B 58, 6534-6564 (1998). [PDF][Link]

    15. C.J. Olson, C. Reichhardt, F. Nori
      Fractal networks, braiding channels, and voltage noise in intermittently flowing rivers of quantized magnetic flux
      Phys. Rev. Lett 80, 2197 (1998). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    16. C.J. Olson, C. Reichhardt, F. Nori
      Nonequilibrium dynamic phase diagram for vortex lattices
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 3757 (1998). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    17. C. Reichhardt, F. Nori
      Phase Locking, Devil's Staircases, Farey Trees, and Arnold Tongues in Driven Vortex Lattices with Periodic Pinning
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 414 (1999). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    18. A. Mehta, C. Reichhardt, C.J. Olson, F. Nori
      Topological invariants in microscopic transport on rough landscapes: Morphology and Horton analysis of river-like networks of vortices
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 3641 (1999). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    19. J.W. Wambaugh, C. Reichhardt, C.J. Olson, F. Marchesoni, F. Nori
      Superconductor fluxon pump and lenses
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 5106 (1999). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    20. C. Reichhardt, C.J. Olson, F. Nori
      Dynamic vortex phases and pinning in superconductors with twin boundaries
      Phys. Rev. B 61, 3665 (2000). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    21. F. Nori, C. Reichhardt
      Dynamic phase diagram and orientational dependence for vortices in superconductors with periodic arrays of pinning sites
      Physica C 332, 40 (2000). [PDF][Link]

    22. C.J. Olson, C. Reichhardt, B. Janko, F. Nori
      Collective interaction-driven ratchet for transporting flux quanta
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 177002 (2001). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    23. C.J. Olson, F. Nori
      Effects of columnar and point defects on magnetic hysteresis curves produced by 3-dimensional vortices in layered superconductors
      Physica C 363, 67 (2001). [PDF][Link]

    24. M.F. Laguna, C.A. Balseiro, D. Dominguez, F. Nori
      Vortex structure and dynamics in kagome and triangular pinning potentials
      Phys. Rev. B 64, 104505 (2001). [PDF][Link]

    25. M.F. Laguna, C.A. Balseiro, D. Dominguez, F. Nori
      Simulation of vortex dynamics in nanostructured pinning arrays
      Phys. Status Solidi B 230, (2): 499-503 (2002). [Link]

    26. S. Savel'ev, F. Nori
      Experimentally realizable devices for controlling the motion of magnetic flux quanta in anisotropic superconductors
      Nature Materials 1, pp. 179-184 (2002). [PDF][Link]
      Listed in the cover of the November issue, and also featured in a two-pages "News and Views", "Controlling the motion of quanta" [PDF][Link], Nature Materials 1, pp. 143-144 (2002).

    27. J.W. Wambaugh, F. Marchesoni, F. Nori
      Shear and loading in channels: oscillatory shearing and leapfrogging edge currents of superconducting vortices
      Phys. Rev. B 67, 144515 (2003). [PDF][Link]

    28. S. Savel’ev, C. Cattuto, F. Nori
      Force-free current-induced reentrant melting of the vortex lattice in superconductors
      Phys. Rev. B 67, 180509(R) (2003). [PDF][Link][Erratum]

    29. B.Y. Zhu, F. Marchesoni, V.V. Moshchalkov, F. Nori
      Controllable stepmotors and rectifiers of magnetic flux quanta using periodic arrays of asymmetric pinning defects
      Phys. Rev. B 68, 14514 (2003). [PDF][Link]

    30. F. Marchesoni, B.Y. Zhu, F. Nori
      Anomalous interstitial dynamics Stokes' drift and current inversion in AC-driven vortex lattices in superconductors with arrays of asymmetric double-well traps
      Physica A 325, 78 (2003). [PDF][Link]

    31. S. Savel'ev, F. Marchesoni, F. Nori
      Controlling transport in mixtures of interacting particles using Brownian motors
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 10601 (2003). [PDF][Link]

    32. J.E. Villegas, S. Savel'ev, F. Nori, E.M. Gonzalez, J.V. Anguita, R. Garcia, J.L. Vicent
      A superconducting reversible rectifier that controls the motion of magnetic flux quanta
      Science 302, 1188-1191 (2003). [PDF][Link]
      Also featured in an "Enhanced Perspectives" Science 302, 1159 (2003) [PDF][Link], the only one for that issue, and one of about three for all of Physics during 2003. Also featured in the "This week in Science" page of that issue of Science [PDF].

    33. S. Savel'ev, J. Mirkovic, F. Nori
      Fluctuations in the Josephson-Pancake combined vortex lattice
      Physica C 388-389, 653 (2003). [PDF][Link]

    34. S. Savel'ev, F. Nori, J. Mirkovic, K. Kadowaki
      Vortex lattice melting in very anisotropic superconductors influenced by the force-free current
      Physica C 388-389, 685 (2003). [PDF][Link]

    35. S. Savel'ev, F. Marchesoni, F. Nori
      Controlling the collective motion of interacting particles: Analytical study via the nonlinear Fokker-Planck equation
      Physica C 388-389, 661 (2003). [PDF][Link]

    36. B.Y. Zhu, F. Marchesoni, V.V. Moshchalkov, F. Nori
      Easily-controllable collective stepmotor of magnetic flux quanta
      Physica C 388-389, 665 (2003). [PDF][Link]

    37. B.Y. Zhu, F. Marchesoni, F. Nori
      Biologically-inspired devices for easily controlling the motion of magnetic flux quanta
      Physica E 18, 318 (2003). [PDF][Link]

    38. B.Y. Zhu, L.V. Look, V.V. Moshchalkov, F. Marchesoni, F. Nori
      Vortex dynamics in superconductors with a triangular arrays of triangular blind antidots
      Physica E 18, 322 (2003). [Link]

    39. B.Y. Zhu, F. Marchesoni, V.V. Moshchalkov, F. Nori
      Controllable stepmotors and rectifiers of magnetic flux quanta
      Physica C 404, 260-265 (2004). [PDF][Link]

    40. B.Y. Zhu, F. Marchesoni, F. Nori
      Controlling the motion of magnetic flux quanta
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 180602 (2004). [PDF][Link]

    41. S. Savel'ev, F. Marchesoni, F. Nori
      Manipulating small particles in mixtures far from equilibrium
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 160602 (2004). [PDF][Link]

    42. S. Savel'ev, V.R. Misko, F. Marchesoni, F. Nori
      Separating particles according to their physical properties
      Phys. Rev. B 71, 214303 (2005). [PDF][Link]

    43. V.R. Misko, S. Savel'ev, F. Nori
      Critical currents in quasiperiodic pinning arrays: One-dimensional chains and Penrose lattices
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 177007 (2005). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    44. A. Maeda, Y. Inoue, H. Kitano, S. Savel'ev, S. Okayasu, I. Tsukada, F. Nori
      Nanoscale friction: Kinetic friction of magnetic flux quanta and charge density waves
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 077001 (2005). [PDF][Link]

    45. S. Savel'ev, A.L. Rakhmanov, F. Nori
      Using Josephson vortex lattices to control terahertz radiation: Tunable transparency and terahertz photonic crystals
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 157004 (2005). [PDF][Link]

    46. Y. Togawa, K. Harada, T. Akashi, H. Kasai, T. Matsuda, F. Nori, A. Maeda, A. Tonomura
      Direct observation of rectified motion of vortices in a niobium superconductor
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 087002 (2005). [PDF][Link]

    47. S. Savel'ev, V.A. Yampol'skii, A.L. Rakhmanov, F. Nori
      Generation of tunable terahertz out-of-plane radiation using Josephson vortices in modulated layered superconductors
      Phys. Rev. B 72, 144515 (2005). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    48. D. Cole, S.J. Bending, S. Savel'ev, T. Tamegai, F. Nori
      Manipulation of magnetic-flux landscapes in superconducting Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_8+delta crystals
      Europhys. Lett. 76, 1151-1157 (2006). [PDF][Link]

    49. J. Mirkovic, S. Savel'ev, H. Sato, F. Nori, K. Kadowaki
      Melting of the vortex-solid in irradiated Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_8+delta single crystals in tilted magnetic fields
      New Journal of Physics 8, 226 (2006). [PDF][Link]

    50. S. Savel'ev, A.L. Rakhmanov, F. Nori
      Josephson vortex lattices as scatterers of terahertz radiation: Giant magneto-optical effect and Doppler effect using terahertz tunable photonic crystals
      Phys. Rev. B 74, 184512 (2006). [PDF][Link]

    51. D. Cole, S.J. Bending, S. Savel'ev, A. Grigorenko, T. Tamegai, F. Nori
      Ratchet without spatial asymmetry: Controlling the motion of magnetic flux quanta using time-asymmetric drives
      Nature Materials 5, 305-311 (2006). [PDF][Link]
      Also featured in a News and Views [PDF][Link].

    52. V.R. Misko, S. Savel'ev, F. Nori
      Critical currents in superconductors with quasiperiodic pinning arrays: One-dimensional chains and two-dimensional Penrose lattices
      Phys. Rev. B 74, 024522 (2006). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    53. V.R. Misko, S. Savel’ev, F. Nori
      Enhancement of the critical current in quasiperiodic pinning arrays: One-dimensional chains and Penrose lattices
      Physica C 437-438, pp. 213-216 (2006). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    54. S. Savel'ev, A.L. Rakhmanov, V.A. Yampol'skii, F. Nori
      Analogues of nonlinear optics using terahertz Josephson plasma waves in layered superconductors
      Nature Physics 2, 521-525 (2006). [PDF][Link]
      Featured in Nature Physics News and Views [PDF][Link] (2006).

    55. F. Nori
      Reversible diodes for moving quanta
      Nature Physics 2, 227 (2006). [PDF][Link]

    56. F. Nori, S. Savel'ev
      Controlling vortex motion and vortex kinetic friction
      Physica C 437-438, 226-229 (2006). [PDF][Link]

    57. S. Savel'ev, V.A. Yampol'skii, A.L. Rakhmanov, F. Nori
      Using Josephson vortex lattices to generate, detect and control THz radiation
      Physica C 437-438, 281-284 (2006). [PDF][Link]

    58. D. Cole, J.S. Neal, M.R. Connolly, S.J. Bending, S. Savel'ev, F. Nori, M. Tokunaga, T. Tamegai
      Vortex pumps in the crossing lattices regime of highly anisotropic layered superconductors
      Physica C 437-438, 52-56 (2006). [PDF][Link]

    59. S. Savel'ev, V.A. Yampol'skii, A.L. Rakhmanov, F. Nori
      Generation of tunable terahertz radiation using Josephson vortices: Transition and Cherenkov radiation
      Physica C 445-448, 175 (2006). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    60. S. Savel'ev, A.L. Rakhmanov, F. Nori
      Tunable photonic crystal for THz radiation in layered superconductors: Strong magnetic-field dependence of the transmission coefficient
      Physica C 445-448, 180 (2006). [PDF][Link]

    61. V.R. Misko, S. Savel'ev, A.L. Rakhmanov, F. Nori
      Nonuniform self-organized dynamical states in superconductors with periodic pinning
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 127004 (2006). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    62. S. Savel'ev, A.L. Rakhmanov, F. Nori
      Quantum terahertz electrodynamics and macroscopic quantum tunneling in layered superconductors
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 077002 (2007). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Erratum]

    63. V.R. Misko, S. Savel'ev, A.L. Rakhmanov, F. Nori
      Negative differential resistivity in superconductors with periodic arrays of pinning sites
      Phys. Rev. B 75, 024509 (2007). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    64. V.A. Yampol'skii, S. Savel'ev, O.V. Usatenko, S.S. Mel'nik, F.V. Kusmartsev, A.A. Krokhin, F. Nori
      Controlled terahertz frequency response and transparency of Josephson chains and superconducting multilayers
      Phys. Rev. B 75, 014527 (2007). [PDF][Link]

    65. S. Savel'ev, V.A. Yampol'skii, A.L. Rakhmanov, F. Nori
      Layered superconductors as nonlinear waveguides for terahertz waves
      Phys. Rev. B 75, 184503 (2007). [PDF][Link]

    66. S. Savel'ev, A.L. Rakhmanov, X. Hu, A. Kasumov, F. Nori
      Quantum electromechanics: Quantum tunneling near resonance and qubits from buckling nanoscale bars
      Phys. Rev. B 75, 165417 (2007). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    67. K.Y. Bliokh, Y.P. Bliokh, S. Savel'ev, F. Nori
      Semiclassical dynamics of electron wave packet states with phase vortices
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 190404 (2007). [PDF][Link][arXiv]
      Featured in RIKEN Research News, Quantum corkscrews from twisting electron waves. (local PDF).

    68. S. Ooi, S. Savel'ev, M.B. Gaifullin, T. Mochiku, K. Hirata, F. Nori
      Nonlinear nanodevices using magnetic flux quanta
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 207003 (2007). [PDF][Link]

    69. A.O. Sboychakov, S. Savel'ev, A.L. Rakhmanov, F. Nori
      Why macroscopic quantum tunnelling in Josephson junctions differs from tunnelling of a quantum particle
      Euro. Phys. Lett. 80, 17009 (2007). [PDF][Link]

    70. A.L. Rakhmanov, A.M. Zagoskin, S. Savel'ev, F. Nori
      Quantum metamaterials: Electromagnetic waves in a Josephson qubit line
      Phys. Rev. B 77, 144507 (2008). [PDF][Link][arXiv]
      Editors' Suggestion

    71. S. Savel'ev, A.O. Sboychakov, A.L. Rakhmanov, F. Nori
      Nonlocal macroscopic quantum tunneling and quantum terahertz electrodynamics in layered superconductors: Theory and simulations
      Phys. Rev. B 77, 014509 (2008). [PDF][Link]

    72. V.A. Yampol'skii, S. Savel'ev, T.M. Slipchenko, A.L. Rakhmanov, F. Nori
      Nonlinear Josephson plasma waves in slabs of layered superconductors
      Physica C 468, 499 (2008). [PDF][Link]

    73. V.A. Yampol'skii, S. Savel'ev, A.L. Rakhmanov, F. Nori
      Nonlinear electrodynamics in layered superconductors
      Phys. Rev. B 78, 024511 (2008). [PDF][Link]

    74. A.L. Rakhmanov, S. Savel'ev, F. Nori
      Resonant electromagnetic emission from intrinsic Josephson-junction stacks in a magnetic field
      Phys. Rev. B 79, 184504 (2009). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    75. A.L. Rakhmanov, V.A. Yampol'skii, J.A. Fan, F. Capasso, F. Nori
      Layered superconductors as negative-refractive-index metamaterials
      Phys. Rev. B 81, 075101 (2010). [PDF][Link][arXiv]
      Enhanced figure available in "RIKEN Research" [Link]

    76. A.O. Sboychakov, S. Savel'ev, A.L. Rakhmanov, F. Nori
      Asymmetric long Josephson junction acting as a ratchet for a quantum field
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 190602 (2010). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    77. V.A. Golick, D.V. Kadygrob, V.A. Yampol'skii, A.L. Rakhmanov, B.A. Ivanov, F. Nori
      Surface Josephson plasma waves in layered superconductors above the plasma frequency: Evidence for a negative index of refraction
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 187003 (2010). [PDF][Link][arXiv]
      Enhanced figure available in "RIKEN Research" [Link]
      Featured in Physics, Editors' Suggestion

    78. E.G. Galkina, A.Yu. Galkin, B.A. Ivanov, F. Nori
      Magnetic vortex as a ground state for micron-scale antiferromagnetic samples
      Phys. Rev. B 81, 184413 (2010). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    79. F. Marchesoni, S. Savel'ev, M. Tachiki, F. Nori
      Model of coherent emission from disordered arrays of driven Josephson vortices
      Phys. Rev. B 81, 174531 (2010). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    80. V.R. Misko, D. Bothner, M. Kemmler, R. Kleiner, D. Koelle, F.M. Peeters, F. Nori
      Enhancing the critical current in quasiperiodic pinning arrays below and above the matching magnetic flux
      Phys. Rev. B 82, 184512 (2010). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    81. S. Savel'ev, V.A. Yampol'skii, A.L. Rakhmanov, F. Nori
      Terahertz Josephson plasma waves in layered superconductors: spectrum, generation, nonlinear and quantum phenomena
      Reports on Progress in Physics 73, 026501 (2010). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    82. K.Y. Bliokh, M.R. Dennis, F. Nori
      Relativistic electron vortex beams: Angular momentum and spin-orbit interaction
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 174802 (2011). [PDF][Link][arXiv]
      Featured in RIKEN Research, Emerging from the vortex, (local PDF).

    83. A.L. Rakhmanov, A.V. Rozhkov, F. Nori
      Majorana fermions in pinned vortices
      Phys. Rev. B 84, 075141 (2011). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    84. Y. Kubo, A.O. Sboychakov, F. Nori, Y. Takahide, S. Ueda, I. Tanaka, A.T.M.N. Islam, Y. Takano
      Macroscopic quantum tunneling and phase diffusion in a La_2-xSr_xCuO_4 intrinsic Josephson junction stack
      Phys. Rev. B 86, 144532 (2012). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    85. P.K. Ghosh, P. Hanggi, F. Marchesoni, F. Nori, G. Schmid
      Detectable inertial effects on Brownian transport through narrow pores
      EPL 98, 50002 (2012). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    86. V.R. Misko, F. Nori
      Magnetic flux pinning in superconductors with hyperbolic-tessellation arrays of pinning sites
      Phys. Rev. B 85, 184506 (2012). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    87. K.Y. Bliokh, F. Nori
      Spatiotemporal vortex beams and angular momentum
      Phys. Rev. A 86, 033824 (2012). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    88. K.Y. Bliokh, P. Schattschneider, J. Verbeeck, F. Nori
      Electron vortex beams in a magnetic field: a new twist on Landau levels and Aharonov-Bohm states
      Phys. Rev. X 2, 041011 (2012). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    89. G. Guzzinati, P. Schattschneider, K.Y. Bliokh, F. Nori, J. Verbeeck
      Observation of the Larmor and Gouy rotations with electron vortex beams
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 093601 (2013). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    90. T.N. Rokhmanova, S.S. Apostolov, Z.A. Maizelis, V.A. Yampol'skii, F. Nori
      Self-induced terahertz-wave transmissivity of waveguides with finite-length layered superconductors
      Phys. Rev. B 88, 014506 (2013). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    91. Y. Ota, K. Kobayashi, M. Machida, T. Koyama, F. Nori
      Full Numerical Simulations of Dynamical Response in Superconducting Single-Photon Detectors
      IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 23, 2201105 (2013). [PDF][Link]

    92. H. Asai, Y. Ota, S. Kawabata, M. Machida, F. Nori
      Theory of macroscopic quantum tunneling with Josephson-Leggett collective excitations in multiband superconducting Josephson junctions
      Phys. Rev. B 89, 224507 (2014). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    93. R.S. Akzyanov, A.V. Rozhkov, A.L. Rakhmanov, F. Nori
      Tunneling spectrum of a pinned vortex with a robust Majorana state
      Phys. Rev. B 89, 085409 (2014). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    94. R.S. Akzyanov, A.L. Rakhmanov, A.V. Rozhkov, F. Nori
      Majorana fermions at the edge of superconducting islands
      Phys. Rev. B 92, 075432 (2015). [PDF][Link][arXiv]
    95. R.S. Akzyanov, A.L. Rakhmanov, A.V. Rozhkov, F. Nori
      Tunable Majorana fermion from Landau quantization in 2D topological superconductors
      Phys. Rev. B 94, 125428 (2016). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    96. H.J. Zhao, V.R. Misko, J. Tempere, F. Nori
      Pattern formation in vortex matter with pinning and frustrated intervortex interactions
      Phys. Rev. B 95, 104519 (2017). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    97. K.Y. Bliokh, I.P. Ivanov, G. Guzzinati, L. Clark, R.V. Boxem, A. Béché, R. Juchtmans, M.A. Alonso, P. Schattschneider, F. Nori, J. Verbeeck
      Theory and applications of free-electron vortex states
      Physics Reports 690, pp. 1-70 (2017). [PDF][Link][arXiv]

    98. B. Aichner, B. Muller, M. Karrer, V.R. Misko, F. Limberger, K.L. Mletschnig, M. Dosmailov, J.D. Pedarnig, F. Nori, R. Kleiner, D. Koelle, W. Lang
      Ultradense Tailored Vortex Pinning Arrays in Superconducting YBa2Cu3O7−δ Thin Films Created by Focused He Ion Beam Irradiation for Fluxonics Applications
      ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2, pp. 5108-5115 (2019). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]

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