Biophysics and Biology
- P. Carninci et al.
The transcriptional landscape of the mammalian genome
Science 309, 1559-1563 (2005). [PDF][Link] - A.Y. Smirnov, S. Savel'ev, L.G. Mourokh, F. Nori
Unidirectional rotary nanomotors powered by an electrochemical potential gradient
(2007). [Link][arXiv] - A.Y. Smirnov, L.G. Mourokh, F. Nori
Forster mechanism of electron-driven proton pump
Phys. Rev. E 77, 011919 (2007). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - A.Y. Smirnov, S. Savel'ev, L.G. Mourokh, F. Nori
Proton transport and torque generation in rotary biomotors
Phys. Rev. E 78, 031921 (2008). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - A.Y. Smirnov, S. Savel'ev, F. Nori
Shuttle-mediated proton pumping across the inner mitochondrial membrane
(2008). [arXiv] - A.Y. Smirnov, S. Savel'ev, F. Nori
Diffusion-controlled generation of a proton-motive force across a biomembrane
Phys. Rev. E 80, 011916 (2009). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - A.Y. Smirnov, L.G. Mourokh, P.K. Ghosh, F. Nori
High-efficiency energy conversion in a molecular triad connected to conducting leads
J. Phys. Chem. C. 113, 21218 (2009). [PDF][Link]
Supporting online information is available: [click here]
A pedagogical powerpoint presentation is available: [click here] - A.Y. Smirnov, L.G. Mourokh, F. Nori
Kinetics of proton pumping in cytochrome c oxidase
J. Chem. Phys. 130, 235105 (2009). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - P.K. Ghosh, A.Y. Smirnov, F. Nori
Modelling light-driven proton pumps in artificial photosynthetic reaction centers
J. Chem. Phys. 131, 035102 (2009). [PDF][Link][arXiv]
Selected as the only "Research Highlight" (local PDF) of that issue of the Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP).
Featured in "RIKEN Research News", Forecasting solar-energy harvests (local PDF) .
A pedagogical powerpoint presentation is available: [click here] - A.Y. Smirnov, L.G. Mourokh, F. Nori
Electrostatic models of electron-driven proton transfer across a lipid membrane
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23, 234101 (2011). [PDF][Link][arXiv]
Invited article for the special issue on "Transport Phenomena in Proton Conducting Media". - P.K. Ghosh, A.Y. Smirnov, F. Nori
Quantum effects in energy and charge transfer in an artificial photosynthetic complex
J. Chem. Phys. 134, 244103 (2011). [PDF][Link][arXiv]
This paper has been selected for the June 2011 issue of JCP: BioChemical Physics. - P.K. Ghosh, A.Y. Smirnov, F. Nori
Artificial photosynthetic reaction centers coupled to light-harvesting antennas
Phys. Rev. E 84, 061138 (2011). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - C.M. Li, N. Lambert, Y.N. Chen, G.Y. Chen, F. Nori
Witnessing Quantum Coherence: from solid-state to biological systems
Scientific Reports 2, 885 (2012). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - A.Y. Smirnov, F. Nori
Modeling the Q-cycle mechanism of transmembrane energy conversion
Phys. Biol 9, 016011 (2012). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - N. Lambert, Y.N. Chen, Y.C. Chen, C.M. Li, G.Y. Chen, F. Nori
Functional quantum biology in photosynthesis and magnetoreception
(2013). [arXiv] - N. Lambert, Y.N. Chen, Y.C. Chen, C.M. Li, G.Y. Chen, F. Nori
Quantum biology
Nature Physics 9, 10-18 (2013). [PDF][Link][arXiv] (published online Dec. 12, 2012) - N. Lambert, S. De Liberato, C. Emary, F. Nori
Radical-pair model of magnetoreception with spin–orbit coupling
New Journal of Physics 15, 083024 (2013). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - G.Y. Chen, N. Lambert, C.M. Li, Y.N. Chen, F. Nori
Rerouting excitation transfers in the Fenna-Matthews-Olson complex
Phys. Rev. E 88, 032120 (2013). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - L.G. Mourokh, F. Nori
Energy transfer efficiency in the chromophore network strongly coupled to a vibrational mode
Phys. Rev. E 92, 052720 (2015). [PDF][Link][arXiv] - P.K. Ghosh, Y. Li, F. Marchesoni, F. Nori
Pseudochemotactic drifts of artificial microswimmers
Phys. Rev. E 92, 012114 (2015). [PDF][Link][arXiv] -
H.B. Chen, N. Lambert, Y.C. Cheng, Y.N. Chen, F. Nori
Using non-Markovian measures to evaluate quantum master equations for photosynthesis
Scientific Reports 5, 12753 (2015). [PDF][Link][arXiv] -
H.Y. Ku, S.L. Chen, H.B. Chen, N. Lambert, Y.N. Chen, F. Nori
Temporal steering in four dimensions with applications to coupled qubits and magnetoreception
Phys. Rev. A 94, 062126 (2016). [PDF][Link][arXiv] -
G.Y. Chen, N. Lambert, Y.A. Shih, M.H. Liu, Y.N. Chen, F. Nori
Plasmonic bio-sensing for the Fenna-Matthews-Olson complex
Scientific Reports 7, 39720 (2017). [PDF][Link][arXiv] W. Yang, V.R. Misko, F. Marchesoni, F. Nori
Colloidal transport through trap arrays controlled by active microswimmers
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 30, 264004 (2018). [PDF][Link]M. Wertnik, A. Chin, F. Nori, N. Lambert
Optimizing co-operative multi-environment dynamics in a dark-state-enhanced photosynthetic heat engine
The Journal of Chemical Physics 149, 084112 (2018). [PDF][Link][arXiv]B.X. Wang, M.J. Tao, Q. Ai, T. Xin, N. Lambert, D. Ruan, Y.C. Cheng, F. Nori, F.G. Deng, G.L. Long
Efficient quantum simulation of photosynthetic light harvesting
npj Quantum Information 4, 52 (2018). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]T. Debnath, P.K. Ghosh, Y. Li, F. Marchesoni, F. Nori
Active diffusion limited reactions
J. Chem. Phys. 150, 154902 (2019). [PDF][Link]J.A. Li, D. Dong, Z. Wei, Y. Liu, Y. Pan, F. Nori, X. Zhang
Quantum reinforcement learning during human decision-making
Nature Human Behaviour 4, pp. 294–307 (2020). [PDF][Link_1][Link_2][Suppl. Info.]D. Debnath, P.K. Ghosh, V.R. Misko, Y. Li, F. Marchesoni, F. Nori
Enhanced motility in a binary mixture of active nano/microswimmers
Nanoscale 12, pp. 9717-9726 (2020). [PDF][Link][arXiv][Suppl. Info.]N. Lambert, T. Raheja, S. Cross, P. Menczel, S. Ahmed, A. Pitchford, D. Burgarth, F. Nori
QuTiP-BoFiN: A bosonic and fermionic numerical hierarchical-equations-of-motion library with applications in light-harvesting, quantum control, and single-molecule electronics
Phys. Rev. Research 5, 013181 (2023). [PDF][Link][arXiv]N. Lambert, F. Nori
Quantum biology: An overview
Encyclopedia of Condensed Matter Physics, 2e, (2023). [PDF][Link]S. Nayak, P. Bag, P.K. Ghosh, Y. Li, Y. Zhou, Q. Yin, F. Marchesoni, F. Nori
Diffusion transients in motility-induced phase separation
Phys. Rev. Research 7, 013153 (2025). [PDF][Link][arXiv]