Squeezed States Animations

Animation - Squeezed States

Animation - Quantum Uncertainties for coherent and squeezed states.

Animations and Summaries - Phonon Squeezed States

Animation - Using a Laser Pulse to Squeeze Uncertainty Squeezed Phonons (enlarged image)
Animation - Using a Laser Pulse to Squeeze Uncertainty Squeezed Phonons (larger image)

Animation courtesy of F. de Santo and R. Merlin.
Frank de Santo, Michigan Phys. Newsletter, 9, 2, 1997.

UM work on squeezed phonons, and other squeezed states in condensed matter,
started with the work of X. Hu and F. Nori. Years later, other UM groups followed.

Animation - Coherent-Squeezed Phonons (longer duration)
Animation - Squeezed Phonons
Animation - Coherent Phonons
Animation - Coherent-Squeezed Phonons

Animations from G. Garrett et al. Opt. Expr. 1, 385 (1997) ; courtesy of R. Merlin.

Squeezed Phonons: Manipulating Quantum Fluctuations of Atomic Displacements
(American Institute of Physics Bulletin)

Squeezed States and Josephson Junctions  

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